Chapter 45 - Chloe (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Embarrassment flooded over Chloe and she buried her face in her hands. "Goddess! What am I supposed to do?"

Kayla gave her a sympathetic smile and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "Whatever you think is best."

"I don't know! I wish I did but..." Chloe trailed off, raking her teeth over her bottom lip as she remembered kissing Animkii in the movie theater's parking lot. How good it felt. How she craved more. How her body responded to his touch.

It wasn't right... but it felt right.

"Don't worry, Chloe. We all have your back. Whatever you decide is up to you," Kayla told her.

"But that's the thing." Chloe's voice fell. "I don't know what to do. A part of me wants Animkii, but another part of me wants to wait for my mate. It's not an easy decision and I have no clue what to do."

"I know," Kayla said. "I mean, I don't know know, but I can imagine how hard it must be. But you have all of our support if you and Alpha Animkii get together and you become Luna. You'd be the best."

Chloe smiled weakly. "Thanks. What do you think I should do?"

"Um..." Kayla averted her gaze and shifted her weight from foot to foot. "The Goddess made you and Alpha Animkii second-chance mates for a reason, so... as scary as it might be to give up your true soulmate... maybe give your second-chance mate a chance?"

Kayla didn't sound too sure, not that Chloe could blame her. The thought of giving up her true soulmate for someone else, for your second-chance mate even, was terrifying.

"Come on," Kayla urged after a minute of deliberation. "Let's go work out and burn off this anxiety."

Chloe nodded in agreement before going back inside the fitness center with Kayla behind her. She ignored all the stares that followed her across the room to the treadmill to get herself warmed-up before the curious gazes gradually turned away.

She fell into her usual routine before she left to meet the older female warriors out on the training field while the newcomers went to the training center to practice on the equipment there.

Her father was out on the field with the other advisers, Alpha Noodin and Luna Aki. Mik flanked the alpha and luna, standing stoically behind them. They lined the edge to add their two-cents to the trainers while observing from a safe distance.

Again, Animkii wasn't among them. He had been absent every day since Chloe resumed her training. Her father told her that he was busy overseeing some new construction and came home in the evenings, and yet she still caught herself scanning the field to see if he was present.

It didn't matter, she knew, but a part of her was disappointed about his absence. An inkling of anxiety twisted around her, questioning the possibility of him not being busy but actually avoiding her.

And why should she care?

Shaking the thought of him from her mind, she focused on her training with a mid-level female warrior almost twice her age.


The days wore on in a similar fashion. Chloe woke early from hot and steamy dreams of Animkii before she'd go out for a run, followed by an hour at the fitness center, followed by another hour of training outside. Even by mid-morning, the July heat was suffocating. Everyone was dripping with sweat and required frequent water breaks. A quiet understanding gripped the warriors that this was still a luxury. If anyone attacked their pack, they would have to fight regardless of how hot the temperature was and deal with thirst when no water was available.

Being a warrior was no walk in the park. It was grueling, training day after day in the heat, rain, and snow. When temperatures were too cold, they moved the training indoors, but running was still a requirement.

Sometimes Anwaatin watched Chloe train on the field. Usually, that was when she wanted to hang out or chat for a bit after. Her parents started privately training her to prepare her for the future. Anwaatin was happy to learn how to protect herself but she didn't like the idea of taking over the pack if Animkii didn't choose a mate.

Chloe wanted to tell him to choose someone else. To forget her and try to be happy with Alana or some other female without a mate, but she couldn't bring herself to utter those words. They caught in her throat and she choked on them as a burning sensation engulfed her chest.

When the weekend rolled around, Chloe and her family went to Aspen Beach with Anwaatin, Sam, Mik, and Roxy. Even with Anwaatin, Chloe couldn't say those words to her. She tried to express herself but only grew more flustered and frustrated.

"I know it's hard, but maybe you just need to talk to Anim?" Anwaatin said as they laid out on their towels on the nice warm sand.

Chloe heaved a sigh. "I already know how he feels."

"I know, but who else would you talk to before making a big decision like this? It involves him too, so why not?"

Groaning, Chloe rolled onto her stomach and buried her face in her arms. "I hate when you're right."


Dedicated to HeartStone Packmate: JasmineVoosen - Join us on Facebook!

Copyright Jo Lee Hunt ( Joflower ) 2020-2021

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