When it all happend

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POV: First Person (Alexis)
I rushed my brother to the E.R throwing up everywhere, While the doctors came to us and quickly took in my brother.
While they were examining him I sat quietly and scared in the waiting room hoping for good news.
Soon Dr. Meredith Grey (Head of General) came in looking for me, I asked her quietly if my older brother was ok ?
She sighed and said : your brother had stage 2 skin cancer that is speeding to his liver and brain.
I took a deep breath in and let it out, then she nicely asked how old I am and i replied: I am 13 years old turning 14 in 5 months and my brother is 15 years old.
She asked if there was anyone she could call like a family member I answered (Our parents died in a car accident 2 years ago so we were living with our grandmother but she had a heart attack 11 moths ago and it's just us now !)
Dr Grey looked at me with sad eyes, she asked me if I wanted to come and see him I nodded my head and followed holding her hand.
Dr Jo Wilson (General), Dr Jackson Avery (Plastics) and Dr Amelia Shepard (Neuro) were all my brothers doctors. They took really good care of me and my brother.
Dr Avery was my best friend in the hospital.
Weeks after my brothers diagnosis i went down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat while my brother was still asleep.
And this is when a random guy dressed up as a doctor and came to the cafeteria to look for kids who didn't have a guardian beside them.
He saw me getting a chocolate chip muffin and looked around and saw that no one was with me...
This is the first part of my story
I really hope that you can read all of it
Thanks ❤️❤️

What the hell happened to me?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin