•Chapter 15•

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James was sitting on top of the astronomy tower, his invisibility cloak kept beside him. He couldn't sleep and told his friends that he had a patrol and so he had to go (He had decided to sleep in his old dormitory tonight.). No one questioned it even though he was pretty sure Remus knew he was lying as he was a prefect too and knew about the patrol schedule. He came here whenever he wanted to clear his head or when he couldn't sleep. In today's case, it was both.

He wasn't thinking about anything specific, sometimes about the war, a bit about his career ahead etcetera. He suddenly heard a someone's footsteps and quickly got up pretending to be on a patrol. He was the head boy so at least no student could question him and most teachers would also not. You could say in a way he was using his powers as a head boy, but c'mon he wasn't pranking anyone, just relaxing rather.

"Who is it?" Asked the person whose footsteps had been heard before. "Lily?" Asked James, knowing this voice all too well. "Oh it's just you." She said as she came nearer. James quickly pushed his cloak out of sight. James nodded as he sat back in his old position. "What are you doing here? It's after the curfew." She said. "Um patrolling?" James said, not sure what to say.

"Oh c'mon don't lie it's not a patrol day." She said smiling. "Okay okay fine, I just came here to relax- wait what is Miss Head Girl doing here after the curfew." He asked. "Oh, its same as you." She said. "C'mon sit down then." James said. Lily nodded as she sat down beside him, yeah like,  just beside him.

"Come here often?" Asked James. "Yeah, I guess, it can get too stressful sometimes." Lily replied. James nodded in agreement. "What is stressing out James Fleamont Potter?" Asked Lily, grinning. "Oh Lils, I know I'm perfect, doesn't mean my life has to be too." Said James as he winked. "Wanna talk about it?" Lily asked, unsurely. She wasn't sure if was intruding too much.

But to her surprise James gave a small nod and said,"It's just my parents are Aurors, very respected one if I may say and they are well, not exactly young now. But they still go on too many missions, some of them so secret they don't even utter a word about it even if they are gone for days. It just suddenly hit me that there is literally a war going on. It isn't safe for them,  Sirius and I, we are both so scared for Mum and Dad." Rambled James.

He didn't exactly want to share it to anyone as it seemed to childish to him. He had talked a bit about to Sirius but it still troubled him a lot sometimes.

Lily had listened to James very carefully, she noticed how James's eyebrows scrunched together when he was worried, how his eyes lost their usual twinkle when he was sad, and how casually he called his parents Sirius's mum and dad too. As if it was the most natural thing. To both Lily's and James's surprise, Lily wrapped an arm around him and whispered soothingly, "It will he alright James, it will be okay. We're here for you, always."

James turned his head towards her, their faces inches apart and gave her a small smile. "Thanks Lils." He said. Lily smiled too, though very aware of how close they were. They both were hesitantly leaning forward, not sure if the other person would be comfortable with what they were just about to do.

Bang, came the noise of something falling, they quickly turned their heads towards the sound. If they were caught by any teacher, it would be bad, as even the patrolling hours were over and both the Head Boy and the Head Girl were out together.

"C'mon Lily, quickly come under this." Whispered James as took out his Invisibility Cloak. Lily though extremely confused why she was being asked to come under a clearly very old cloak, listened to him nonetheless as she was too afraid of being caught. To her surprise, again, as soon as she came under it she noticed that they were completely invisible. "Merlin! Wha-" She asked but James cut her off quickly by telling her to keep quiet.

They both quietly made their way into the Head Dorms, James no longer wanting to walk all the way to the Gryffindor Dorms now. As soon as they reached there Lily bombarded James with questions about the cloak, both of them having forgotten about what was about to happen a few minutes ago. She had only read about such things but never did she ever think of seeing something like this. "I'll answer all your questions tomorrow Lily, please, it's late now." James said. Lily nodded and they both made their way to their own rooms, tired from the night.

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