•Chapter 7•

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"You're both the fire and the water that extinguishes it. You're the narrator, the protagonist, and the sidekick. You're the storyteller and the story told. You are somebody's something, but you are also your you."
- John Green
Turtles all the way down

(It has nothing to do with the chapter, I just found this quote as I was re-reading this book and wanted to share it)


Charms class was going on and Sirius was bored. The professor was going on about some theory of patronus charm which he had been able to produce since their 4th year and so did not care about. He had just dumped Amelia Green, some 7th year Hufflepuff. No matter how hard he tried he could never have a proper relationship. Of all the girls he had dated, it barely lasted a week since he never really felt anything for them. He wondered why and although maybe, just maybe he knew the answer, was he ready to acknowledge it just yet?

"Earth to Sirius?" he heard Remus say and just for a second, a tiny second he felt something in his stomach as he heard his friend's voice. "Oh sorry Moony, was just thinking something." Sirius said. James scoffed at that, "Sirius Orion Black was thinking, mate if you'd do that more often you wouldn't have to be in Detention so much." He said. "Oh shut up Prongs." He said, although he was also grinning.

"Has anyone of you been able to produce a corporeal patronus yet?" Asked a sweet voice James had fallen so hard for. " Yeah we all can!" Said Peter happily. "Wow Pete, even you?" Lily asked. "Um yeah." He said, now a bit shy. "Wormtail there is no need to be shy, we could produce our patronus in like 4th year." Said James, smiling. "Woah really?" Asked Marlene. "Yeah." Said James, a bit modestly. Lily almost snorted at that. James Potter was being modest about something? And that too something this amazing?

"C'mon let's go to Dinner now, I'm so hungry I could eat a hippogriff!" exclaimed Remus. Everyone nodded and made their way too dinner.


"Hello marauderetts and my fellow marauders!" Shouted Sirius, as he entered the Head's Common Room where James, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene and Mary were sitting. Lily raised her eyebrow at how the girls had been addressed and said, "Sirius you know that is not a real word right?" "Oh shush peasant." Sirius said. Lily was about to ask how he even know what a peasant was when James asked, "Where is the fourth marauderett by the way?" "Alice is with Frank, she wanted 'some alone time together' " Marlene said in mock sadness. "Ah Fralice, my ship!" Said Mary. "Your ship? Like your boat?" Asked Sirius, clearly confused. Lily, Mary and Remus laughed at that and Lily explained the confused faces what the meaning of 'ship' was.

"Ooooooh that's so cool! You know what my ship is?" Asked Sirius. "It's Jily." He replied, not waiting for an answer. "You know, like Lily plus James." Lily and James both blushed at that. "You're blushing so bad right now." Whispered Marlene in Lily's ear which made Lily redden even more. "It could be Jily, or you know, It could be Lames." Said Remus. James glared at Remus as Remus raised his hands in surrender.

"James we will be late for out patrol, let's go." Lily said. "Oh yeah, bye guys. And when Lily and I return there should be no mess in our dorms and you should all have left by then. Got it?" James said, sternly. They nodded while rolling their eyes and Sirius added, " Sure, we'll leave you two alone to whatever you wanna do when you come back privately." He said, winking. "Ugh Sirius. Bye." Lily and James groaned together as the others laughed.

James and Lily were patrolling the Dungeons. Nothing eventful had happened except that a Ravenclaw pureblood had told James to stay away from a 'mudblood' like Lily and James would have for sure hexed him if Lily hadn't controlled him, she was used to all this by now. James did take 40 points from Ravenclaw though.

They heard an evil laugh from behind as they turned around to see Bellatrix, Snape and one more Slytherin behind them. "Look what we have here, a blood traitor and a mudblood." Sneered Bellatrix. The duel started before Lily could comprehend what was happening. It was three to two, Lily and James barely had any chance to win seeing thar both of them did not use any hexes that could cause major harm. They shot curses at each other but for some reason their main target seemed to be James. Lily was confused by this but she dueled fiercely nonetheless. "Sectumsempra!" Said Snape as James's body started bleeding instantly. He was hit by another curse from Bellatrix at the same time but Lily was too surprised at James's sudden condition to catch what spell she had used. They heard someone's footsteps and ran but Snape managed to leave a last message, "That's what he gets for stealing you from me." Lily was too busy with James to reply anything as James's situation worsened. She wasn't even trying to stop her tears from falling.

"Oh Merlin, Miss Evans let us take Mr. Potter to the hospital wing instantly." Came the shocked voice of Professor McGonagall. "I'll need answers about this later." She finished. Lily nodded as her tears were still flowing uncontrollably.


New ship in the making ;)

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