•Chapter 6•

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"Wake up marauders!" Shouted James as he entered his old dormitory. "It's time for a prank!" He said. "Prongsieee!" Sirius shrieked. "Prongsie I missed you!" He said, putting emphasis on you and jumping in James's arms. Now normally Sirius would not have taken someone waking him up on a weekend this lightly but it was his 'Prongsie' so he'll forgive him.

"Sirius stop shouting, you saw him hardly 10 hours ago." Said Remus grumpily at which Sirius scowled dramatically. Meanwhile Peter was still sleeping soundly, not aware of anything happening around him until "OW!" screeched Peter as James mistakenly sat on him. "Sorry Wormtail." James said, a small smile playing on his lips. "You don't look sorry." Said Remus.

"Oh shut up Moony, I am here to discuss a marauder prank!" said James. "We haven't done a prank since so long." Said Peter, now fully awake after James 'mistakenly' sat on him. " Yeah that is because Prongs and Moony here are prefects now. Such disgrace to the marauders' reputation!" Sirius said. "Oh c'mon Padfoot get over that now!" James said. "Okay okay what prank do have in mind?" Said Remus, interrupting whatever Sirius was just about to say. "Oh I'll tell you." Said James, smirking.


Lily heard someone say the password to the lady in the potrait an d in came her three bestfriends. "Hey Lilykins, I missed you!" Said Marlene. Lily shook her head as she said, "You've been spending too much time with Black, Marls, too much time." "Oh shut up Lils, come and hug me!" Marlene said. She hugged all her best friends, she had missed them so much. Not that she hadn't seen them since a long time but the first week had been very hectic and they weren't able to have much fun.

"Finally an all girls Saturday!" Said Alice. "We're gonna have so much fun!" Continued Mary. "Okay so Lils, what is going on with you Potter?" Asked Marlene. Lily blushed a little at that. Wait did I say little? I meant, Lily blushed alot at that. "N-nothing." Said Lily. "Oh don't lie to us Lily, you're red as a tomato right now!" Alice said, smirking. "We are-" Lily was about to finish when Marlene continued it for her "just friends? We are not going to believe that Lilyflower." Said Mary. "Mary don't call me that, Sirius is already sufficient for calling me weird nicknames." Lily said, not rudely as she would normally say though.

"Oh so it's Sirius now?" Said Marlene, playfully. " Oh shush Marlene, I like James." All the three girls smiled widely at that. "As a friend." Lily finished. "Ugh you spoiled the moment Lils!" Said Alice. " James is nice, definitely, I saw a side of him I didn't see before. But we are just friends." For now. Lily said. She didn't add that last part though, obviously.

"Okay Lily, as you say." Said Mary, but the girls looked at each other knowingly. "Okay, ignoring that weird look you three just shared, let's talk about something else now." Lily said.

And the rest of the day passed with Lily, Marlene, Alice and Mary having their girl's Saturday and the marauders planning a prank.


It was dinner time, or more specifically, prank time. "Wormtail did the thing with the house elves work out?" Asked James. " Oh it worked out just perfectly." Peter said, smirking. Sirius and Remus came running to the other two boys at that moment, "All done, marauders!" Said Sirius. "C'mon now let's go to the great hall for, uh, a very interesting dinner." Said Remus, grinning.

They walked into the Great Hall normally, or as normally as possible for the Marauders and sat down beside the four girls. "How was your day girls?" Asked Sirius. " Did you talk about us?" He asked jokingly. Lily reddened at that as Marlene replied, " In your dreams Black, in your dreams." "Aaahh!". There conversation was cut off as they heard someone shout that. "Wha-" but Lily's confusion was answered when she saw a few students' hair changing to random colours- blue, pink, golden, orange, red and more. "Someone change my hair!" Shouted a Ravenclaw. Bellatrix's hair had turned to a bright pink and she looked furious.

The marauders smirked as more hair colours changed around them. Lily started laughing, "Is miss head girl really laughing at our prank?" Asked Sirius as Alice, Marlene and Mary also started laughing at the chaotic situation around them.

"So you do admit it was you all Mr. Black?" Said a stern voice behind them. They turned around to see Professors McGonagall behind them. Oops. "Agh well there is no denying to that now Minnie is there?" Said Sirius, careless of the fact that they had just been caught red handed. If you saw closely even Professor McGonagall was trying to hide a small smile. "Detention on Monday and Tuesday, all four of you." She said, back to her strict self. "Of c'mon Minnie, you know you love our pranks don't you?" Said James. "Proffesor McGonagall Mr. Potter." Said Minerva. "Oh Min-" Sirius was about to say something when he was interrupted by Remus, again. "We will be there Proffesor." Remus said as the Professor nodded and walked back to the staff table. "You keep interrupting me Moony!" Said Sirius in mock anger. " You would have gotten us in more trouble Padfoot!" Remus said.

The students' hair was fixed by now, "Oh I've been meaning to ask you since years, what is with your weird nicknames?" Asked Marlene, curiously. "Ask us no questions and we'll tell you no lies, Marls." Said James,winking. Peter laughed a little too extra. "Ugh, keep your secrets Potter!" Marlene told James grumpily. "Always have, always will." James replied, smiling. "Loyal much Potter?" Lily said. "Oh very much, Evans, very much indeed. Especially for you, you know" James replied. Lily laughed as she said, "Well I'd hope so Potter, I gave you my precious friendship you know." Lily said. "Very precious Lils, very precious." Said James, genuinely.

Lily blushed and looked down as their friends looked at each other, smiling insanely. " Oh what's with you and your looks!?" Said Lily. They all laughed and got up to leave the great hall, everyone enjoying each other's company.

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