•Chapter 30•

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"I have to say, Professor McGonagall never fails to amaze me and how she doesn't even react to your shenanigans anymore, wow." Lily said smiling. "Oh Minnie loves us she just doesn't show it clearly." Said James. "My birthday is about to finish in 3 and a half hours, ugh I hate this." Complained Sirius. "Oh but is it finished just yet?" Said Lily as she winked at Sirius. "What?" Asked Sirius in confusion but his question was answered as they entered the Gryffindor Common Room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIRIUS!" Shouted the students. "Oh Merlin, you threw a full on Marauder style party? Wow guys!" He said as he saw that the Common Room was decorated with balloons and other decorations. In the middle was a very silly picture of Sirius laughing so much that he fell of the chair that Remus had taken. On a table was of course, all his favourite food bought from Hogsmeade.

"Prongs you took Evans to Hogsmeade?" Asked Sirius, grinning. James nodded. "Wow Evans feeling a bit daredevil are we?" Sirius asked, surprised. "Ah well a Marauder boyfriend can change you, you know how you influenced Remus in taking part in your pranks and all." She joked and Sirius weirdly laughed at that a bit too much.

A lot of the Gryffindors from above 5th year were there and even some students from other houses were present since everyone loved the Gryffindor diva, Sirius Black. He was that person who would joke around with everyone, someone who would rather die than stand for something wrong. He would be the one who stays up all night to talk to you when you're down and yet only a few would know what he's going through.

"Wow you all really threw a party this good without me? Always seemed impossible to me but well okay." Joked Sirius. "Learnt from the best you know." Said James, grinning. "Aw Prongsie you're making me all mushy." He replied. "Sirius honestly you really make me feel my boyfriend has another boyfriend." Lily said.

"Oh Lilykins, you never know!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically. "Well can you do this?" She asked as she pulled James by his shirt's collar and kissed him. As fun as it was, even James was surprised by that. "Is that a challenge Evans?" Sirius asked as he leaned forward, towards James.

"Sirius no!" Shouted James as the others laughed. "Prongs, are you really going to let me lose an argument on my birthday?" Asked Sirius. "If it involves kissing you then yes!" Replied James. "Fine but know that some people would die to have this." He said, dramatically, as pointed to towards him. "Okay Pads, let's get you drunk now." James said.


"Who is up for a game of Truth or Drink?" Yelled Sirius, "As if you all have a choice, it's still my birthday, gather up!" He said to the group of seventh years. Soon Frank, Alice, Mary, Marlene, Lily, the Marauders, Oliver from Hufflepuff and Thea Walsh from Ravenclaw sat in a circle.

"The drink is obviously Firewhiskey and before the game starts you all need to drink a sip of this." Sirius said as he held a bottle in his hand. "Has a very light version of Veritaserum, so you all don't lie." He continued, grinning which earned an 'oof' from everyone.

"I'll go first. Lily, who was your first kiss?" He asked. Lily blushed, "Um, Oliver, we were 12." She said bashfully, the answer surprised many of them, especially James who now glared at the boy. "Potter what!? It was the most awkward thing ever, even Lily knows that. Stop staring at me like you're going to kill me!" Oliver said defensively which made everyone laugh, except James, who looked the least amused.

"Someone's jealous." Whispered Lily in James's ear. James scoffed, "No, what gave you that idea?" Lily laughed at James's childish behaviour. "So, my turn, James never tells me this story but I really want to know." Lily said. James groaned, realising what she meant instantly, "Lils, please no." He pleaded. "Christmas when we were in second year, what happened at your house, you know the thing Sirius threatened to tell us." She asked, savagely.

"Oh I can't wait to hear this." Remus said, smirking. "Good one Lily." Sirius commented. "Ugh I hate you all, fine I'll tell it." He said. "You know you could just drink." Sirius said, innocently. But James knew he couldn't. It wasn't Marauder way to back away from any question in these games and James knew he'd never hear the end of it from Sirius.

"So, Christmas morning, Sirius here decided to play a prank on me. He put the words, "I love Peter behind my favourite jacket. He knew I would wear it on Christmas. And being the stupid person I was I wore it without noticing. So there I am, an innocent 12 year old, roaming around the house, clueless of why Sirius couldn't stop smiling. Keep in mind Peter wasn't there with us to tell me about this either, he was at his house." James narrated as the others listened attentively.

"After lunch my mother asks me to stay back in the kitchen while Sirius and Remus left. She asked me 'James, honey, please be honest, do you like boys?' I sit there, completely shocked. She continues by telling me that she'll support me but I should have told her about Peter and I being a couple though she thought that we are too young to date right now." He said Everyone burst out laughing, even Peter.

"I c-can't believe this." Marlene said in between her laughs. "And all along I thought Sirius was your boyfriend!" Teased Lily. "Oh you can't imagine the look on my face when she said that and the chaos that took place after that!" James said. "Nice job boys." Said Thea. "Oh we know." Sirius replied.

"Moving on, Sirius, this isn't a truth question but after what I just revealed I deserve to give a dare." James said. "Oh go on." Sirius replied. "I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room." Sirius tensed for a second then smiled, "Wait a minute." He said as he got up and ran towards the boy's dormitory, the others sat there, puzzled.

After a minute he came back with something in his hand which he was hiding behind his back. Ha sat back at his position. Finally showing the object he was hiding he held it in front of his face, it was a mirror. He leaned forward and kissed his image in the mirror.

Everyone looked at him, dumbfounded while he sat there grinning harder than ever. "SIRIUS YOU INGENIOUS BASTARD!" Yelled James as he started laughing at what his best friend just did. "Honestly I can't even argue." Said Thea as she rolled her eyes but you could see she was also trying not to laugh.

"Only Sirius freaking Pink could do this." Said Marlene, she loved putting random colours at the end of Sirius's name since he didn't like his surname anyways. "You know I would look dashing in pink hair though." Pointed out Sirius. "Honestly Sirius I feel like the effects of the drinks you had before is starting now." Quipped Remus.

"Sirius, mate you love your looks too much." Commented Frank. "Oh you are all just jealous!" Interjected Sirius as he did a very clumsy hair flip. "Oh yes we are very jealous my darling Siri-poo!" Sneered Lily.

"Sirius's amazing display seems to be the perfect end of the night so let's head to b-b-bed." Alice said as she yawned. "Yeah let's sleep." Agreed Peter, he loved sleep more than anything, well except maybe food.

"Bye bye birthday." Said Sirius as pretended to wipe off a tear from his cheek. "You know I just realised that Sirius has finally reached the legal age to drink fire whiskey." Snickered James. "Oh shush you, you little kid who still isn't allowed to drink it." Sirius replied.
"Whatever." He replied as he took a sip of fire whiskey just to elucidate the fact that he would still be drinking it.

"C'mon boys, let's go." Said Frank as he stifled a yawn, Oliver and Thea went back to their respective houses as Lily, James and Remus quickly tried to make the Common Room neat.
"Good night babe." James said he pecked her on the lips after making the Common Room much tidier than it was. "Good night Jamesie." Replied Lily sweetly.

Okay sorry, I know I'm updating after ages but a long chapter to make up for it? Please?

Also thank you sooo much for 8k+ reads! <3

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