•Chapter 13•

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Lily, Alice, Mary and Marlene were sitting near the lake, just talking and relaxing. Well atleast the three girls were but Lily? Not so much. She was reading a novel, acting like she was reading a novel so that no one would disturb her thoughts because people know better than to disturb Lily when she was reading.

"C'mon Lils, what happened? Talk to us!" Said Marlene finally. "Nothing." Said Lily. She didn't want to tell anyone what she had heard, it felt so personal. She had herself felt like an intruder to their conversation.

"Oh wait I know how to cheer you up!" Exclaimed Mary. "Let's go dress shopping!" She said. Marlene's and Alice's eyes brightened at that. "Yes Yes!" Said Alice and Marlene, both equally excited.

It was actually a Hogsmeade weekend but Lily didn't feel lile going and Marlene and Mary had lots of homework, which well they didn't complete anyways. "Lils please?" Asked Alice, in her sweetest voice. "C'mon Lilyflower, maybe on the way we'll find out what James did this time that you're so quiet?" Asked Marlene, smirking.

"Wh-what? Who said James did anything, he didn't, I mean he didn't so anything." Said Lily, doing a very poor job at lying. "It's okay Lils, I was joking. Let's go shopping for the ball." Marlene said, still smirking.

As they got up Marlene managed to whisper a little something that included her lying and James in Lily's ear.


They were all in a dress shop in Hogsmeade, after having a butter beer with the Marauders (They insisted, it had nothing do with James, as Lily had told the girls.)

There were some other girls from Hogwarts also but most had got their dresses earlier or had their parents send it from Diagon Alley. "I really don't get why so many people bought their dresses so early, I mean there are still like 28 days left!" Said Alice. Alice was not someone you would call a girly-girl. As much she loved gossip, she was not exactly fond of shopping or getting glammed up. She had kind of a bob cut and always wore very casual clothes.

Lily laughed at her friends and said, "Now this is something same in both muggle and magical world."

After around an hour they had finally found their dresses. Lily bought a pale silver-ish sleeveless full length dress which had a v-neck line. Mary bought a pale pink, off shoulder, full length gown that looked amazing on her. Marlene bought a black full length dress that had a slit that finished just above her knee and had spaghetti straps, which though was kind of plain but Marlene could pull it off beautifully. Alice bought a knee length dark blue dress which had red flowers on it that looked so cute with her short hair.

"Ugh finally, I can't even feel my legs anymore." Complained Mary as they paid for their dresses. "The dresses are amazing though!" Said Lily, her mind finally off James.

"I can't wait to see James's face when he sees you!" Exclaimed Marlene, happily. Lily shook her head as she said, "May I remind that I'm going to prom with Oliver not James?" She couldn't help but feel a but upset with that. "Yeah yeah whatever." Said Marlene, rolling her eyes at her.

Lily sighed at the memory of the stupid little fight they when she came to know who Lily was going to prom with. ( "You said yes to who!?" "Oliver Smith Marls, how many times do I repeat." "Oh miss I-like-arrogant-toe-rag-but-am-too-chicken-to-admit-it said yes to the first guy that asked her! Bravo Lily!" "Marlene stop shouting!" "Oh stop Lily, you need to care about his feelings! He's been nothing but nice to you this year." "Whatever Marls, I can go with whoever I want and I'm not going with him." )

After reaching Hogwarts they had a delicious dinner and went to bed early this time, even though it Sunday tomorrow but they were very tired from the shopping.

Lily lay on her bed thinking about James, sorting out her feelings. She had started liking him before and even though she had admitted it to Remus she was still kind of in denial about her feelings. But after today morning, her head felt messed up and clear at the same time. Clear, because she could no longer deny her feelings for James after today and messed up because she didn't know what to do about them.

Will be showing there dresses on the day of the ball with their full looks ;)

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