"Surely, Mother, you are the most powerful vampire in Mexico."

"I am not. He is. I am truly sorry."

Elizabeth rubbed her temple. "So, what am I doing, wasting my time?"

"You are on your own. However..."

However. That gave Elizabeth pause. "However what?"

"However, I do know of a man who has been to the estate of the Santa Muerte, deep in the Chihuahuan desert. He has not seen him, of course, but has been there. He has done work for us before. He is trustworthy – more or less."

"Can you put me in contact with this guy?"

"I am certain I can. He is in Chihuahua city, which is a long drive from here. However, since I am otherwise unable to help you, I will make available a private plane to take you there."

"I thank you for that, at least."

"It is the least I can do, for una hermana de la sangre."


Jack clapped. "Well, woop-de-fuckin'-doo. Beautiful story there, Santa Muerte, but what about me? What about your old pal, Jack?"

"Jack, shut up," Scott said, "this is not about you!"

"Excuse me, but yes, it is. I am, after all, the object of the Santa Muerte's vengeance, aren't I? Or aren't I not?"

"You are, Jack," The Santa Muerte said. "You are, indeed, and vengeance upon you I shall have. But as I am a gentleman, I shall allow you to choose the instrument of your demise."

"All righty then. I demand judgment by combat."

The Santa Muerte was at first silent, but the smile slowly returned to his face and he laughed. "Are you serious, Jack?"

"Hell yes. I demand trial by combat. You and me, Santa. Mano-a-mano."

"You do realize that, since this will be a duel to the death, that there will be no quarter given?"

"No quarter will be asked."

The Santa Muerte nodded. "Very well. It is decided. On the morrow, in the plaza de toros, you and I, Jack, will duel to the death. It will be your death, of course."

"Don't get too cocky now, Santa Muerte. I got a few tricks up my sleeve."

"I am sure you do—"

"Wait," Scott said, "hold on there. Jack, I beat you last year."

"Now, son, you barely won. Just barely."

"Barely? No, Jack, I kicked your ass—"

"Please," The Santa Muerte said, "is this true, Scott?"

"Oh yeah," Dawn said, "I was there, and yeah, Scott handed Jack's ass to him."

"I was there as well," Jeremiah said, "and it is true. Scott is very skilled with a blade, and he did, as has been said, kick Jack's ass."

Once more the Santa Muerte laughed. "Perhaps Jack can convince Scott to be his second, then!"

"Oh hell no!" Scott moaned.

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