2- We're taking him home

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Aizawa's POV

"What do you suggest we do with him, Eraserhead?" Said the bear/mouse. We were out side of the boys hospital rooms door. I wasn't sure what to do to be honest. The villains needed him for something so we can't just put him in an adoption center "maybe a pro will be able to keep an eye on him for a while" I say out loud trying to come up with an idea. "That's a wonderful idea Eraserhead, are you sure you have enough space though?" Nezu said.

"What? No he can't come with me!" I say. I already have to deal with Hizashi no way I'm adding a kid to that. "But the child already trusts you, it would be difficult for him to be pushed from hero to hero" Nezu says in his strangely cheerful tone. I sighed I really don't like kids "listen I-" I was cut off by a noise behind me. The door handle was jiggling so I walked over and opened it. The boy was standing there looking up at me. Then he leaned out the doorway and looked at everything. He seemed a bit startled at how many people were there. Nezu walked over to him and held out his hand " hello I'm Nezu, what's your name?" He asked nicely. The boy looked up at me as if to get permission first. I nodded and he looked back at Nezu "I-l'm 164" he said I'm a small whispered tone. Of course he didn't have a real name "well it's very nice to meet you!" Nezu says "do you know who this man is?" Nezu pointed to me.

"He's t-the ni-nice man" the boy stuttered out.

"I see, and how old are you?" The mouse asks. The boy thought for a second before shyly answering
"I-I'm elev-ven" he said quietly. The boy seemed well behaved although he's probably just shy.

"And how long have you been with those mean doctors?" At this the boy tenses up a bit and looks scared. He stays quiet so I decided to try my luck and I crouched down next to him "hey it's ok if you don't want to talk about anything yet. My name is Shota Aizawa. Now how about you go rest some more ok?"

The boy nods and started to walk back into the room when he stopped and turned around "y-your not g-gonna leave r-right?"

"No I'll be here when you wake up" I reassured him. At that he had a small smile "ok umm... th-thank you, Aiz-zawa" and with that he went back to his room.

"So do you still want to see if another pro will want him?" Nezu says in a cocky tone.

I groaned a bit internally "no I'll take him" I sighed I guess that means I'll have to set up the guest bed room for him. Oh! And tell Hizashi. This is going to be a long week.

164's POV

I woke up and looked for Aizawa. He was really nice and I knew I was safe with him. He wasn't in my room so I went to check the hall agin. I was able to open the door on my own this time and I see Aizawa talking to the yellow haired guy. The yellow man seemed really happy about something. I was a little scared to go over, I shouldn't interrupt them. If I interrupt them then they'll get mad at me and I don't want to get in trouble. So I went back to my bed quietly and waited for him to come in.

I watched the clock carefully waiting for Aizawa and about fifteen minutes later the door opens. In comes the yellow guy all happy. He walks up to me, Shota in toe.

"Hello!! I'm Hizashi Aizawa!" He says way to loud for my taste and apparently Aizawa's to because he shushed him right after.

"How long have you been wake for?" Aizawa asked softly while walking over to my bed.

"I-I don't know f-fifteen minutes I th-think" I say quietly looking at the sheets.

"I see, you should come get me or Hizashi next time, ok?"

Wh-what? But he was talking. Dose he want me to interrupt him? Am I in trouble now? Is he disappointed in me? Did I do something wrong? I started to get scared thinking I was going to get in trouble and be punished.

"Hey hey hey, calm down what's wrong? are you in pain?" Aizawa asked me breaking me out of my thoughts. He had a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"O-oh n-no nothings wro-ong. I'm sorry..." I say quietly.

"You have nothing to apologize for, so just relax ok?"

I nod and look at my hands twiddling my thumbs.

"So until we find your parents Hizashi and I will take you to our house, is that ok with you?" I look up at him confused. What's a parents?

"What's a parents?" I ask him. He gives me a funny look before the one called Hizashi answers "your parents are like the people who raised you and most of the time their also the ones who gave you life" he says "some people have a mom and a dad others have just a mom or just a dad. You can also have two moms or two dads and they will love you and care for you"

Who are my parents? I guess I don't have any...... can I choose my parents then? Mr. Hizashi said it was someone who raised me... so like the doctors? No they don't love me. Well now I'm living with Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Hizashi so dose that mean their my parents? I hope they are..... they seem really nice.

"Ok" was all I said. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions besides he said they were looking for my parents "w-when do I get to l-leave this place?"

"Tomorrow morning, so only one more night until you can come to your new home" Aizawa said "I have to leave tonight ok? But I'll be back early tomorrow morning to get you, alright?" I nodded. I don't want him to leave but I can feel his sleepyness practically radiating off him. So I let him go back to his house to rest. As him and Hizashi were getting to the door to exit the room and go home when I say two words that made them happy.

"Thank You"

<to be Continued>

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