24- Home Away From Home

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Midoriya's POV

"Ok... why don't we take a break and talk more later?" Papa said with a sad smile. "We should be heading home." I freeze. I don't want to go back. I know I won't get any sleep and I'll be paranoid the entire time. "I-I still don't want to go home...." I say quietly hoping they don't get mad. "That's perfect!" We all look to see the principal. "We have just finished building the dormitories! You and Shinso can be the first ones to move in!" Nezu happily tells us.

"This seems to convenient... what's the catch?" Dad asked the bear/mouse. "There is no catch! All the other students will be moving in next week. besides what kind of a genius mouse who runs all of UA and has a huge influence on hero's and happens to be an amazing uncle to the two of you would I be if I couldn't do this!" Nezu says. "Anywho your rooms are on the fourth floor. There is a plaque next to every door that tells you which is which." Nezu said before disappearing just as fast as he came. "Ok.... I guess we'll go home and bring you all your stuff." Papa said a smile on his face.

"I'll come and help." Hitoshi said as he stood up. I soon followed suit. I said good by to papa, dad, and Hito. They left to get all of our things. I felt bad that I didn't go to help, but I really couldn't go to that house. Just thinking about it freaked me out. "So Izuku!" Nezu said from next to me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Just to give you a heads up I called in hawks to help you learn about your new found wings." I thought for a second. "ok, that sounds fine I guess."

"I also have a question for you." He asked. "Hm?" I hummed in response. "Your quite the intelligent young boy, having said that I'd like to know what you've already figured out?" The mouse said with his signature smile. I had an idea of what he was talking about. "I know that dad and papa are hiding something, Hito is in on it to. I haven't had time to look into anything yet though so I technically have no evidence to back me up." I responded. "I know it has something to do with the meeting they just went to. It's far to convenient for the three of them to go to a meeting while I stay home and get attacked. But what do I know I'm just a kid." I shrugged.

"I see, your as smart and observant as I thought you'd be!" Nezu creepily laughed before excusing himself. I sighed and went to head up to my room and check it out. I went to the new dorm building and took the elevator to the fourth floor. I walked into a common type of Area. It has a large couch and TV one one side and a nicely sized kitchen on the other. There were two corredor's Ontario right and left sides of the room. One said girls while the other said boys. Obviously I went down the one that was labeled boys.

I walked down the hall and read all the names. I saw one labeled Todoroki Shoto and the one directly across from it was mine. How convenient. I opened the door and walked in. It was almost the same size as my bedroom at home. I noticed that I had my own bathroom which made me happy. I no longer have to share one with Hitoshi. The room had a small balcony that over looked the entrance of UA.

Hitoshi's POV

Dad, papa, and I all got into the car and left UA to get our stuff. "Are we sure this is a good idea?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Dad said in response. "I thought we could protect Izuku without him knowing, but he was attacked. At this point he already knows the league is after him, I think we should come clean." I say trying to convince them. "I don't know... he doesn't have to know we knew ahead of time, he knows now so it doesn't matter anymore." Papa said. I nodded and looked out my window.

"He seemed so freaked out... about going home that is." I added. "I know the poor kid is probably traumatized." Dad said sadly. "At least he finally opened up about what was done to him." Papa said trying to look at the positive. "Yeah... he had a really hard life..." I say quietly thinking about nothing in particular. We arrived home and immediately set to work. I packed my room up while dad did Izu's room. Papa went back and forth between rooms.

It took a few hours of work but we were finally done at around seven o'clock. We packed the car and drove to our temporary home. The three of us grabbed a few boxes and walked up to the rooms. Papa and I went to my room while dad left to find Izuku's room. I started to unpack blankets first so I had them ready for bed tonight. I'm really tired. Izuku must be exhausted. I know he was practically on the verge of an anxiety attack all day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

~905 words

I probably won't post for a bit. Sorry I've been really busy and haven't had time.  I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I finish it! I have no plans to discontinue this book so don't worry about that!!

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