Chapter thirty seven

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America's POV

Anne laced up the last string on the back of my ballgown. She had really outdone herself with this dress. It was absolutely stunning.

I smiled and thanked her, before she left. Minutes later, Maxon entered. The look on his face proved how beautiful I thought the dress was.

"I might have to keep you up here all to myself," he said, as he walked over to place his hands on my hips. He kissed my forehead.

"Then I would have gotten all dressed up for nothing,"

"Oh I would be here with you. I would make sure it wasn't for nothing."

How did, after two years off marriage, he still manage to make me blush?

"We are going to be late if you don't stop drooling," I joked.

"Wouldn't want to do thst now would we? A king and queen late to their own ball."

We linked our arms together and made our way to the ballroom. Being here so long, I almost don't even notice the guards always behind us. They weren't close, they kept their far distance, which made it hard to remeber sometimes.

As the doors to the ballroom opened, all heads turned towards us. There was a round of applause. I would never get use to this. We walked in, and moments later the music began again, and people went back with their conversation.

I saw Marley and Carter, and made my way over. Maxon remained attached to my arm.

"Anne really out did herself with your gown!" Marley complimented.

"I know right? I don't know how she comes up with all of these designs, she truly is amazing. I love yours too!"

"I love my ladies, if it weren't for them I would probably be wearing pants and a comfy shirt, with this baby wearing me out all the time," she joked.

"Isn't that the truth."

The song changed, and I saw Marley and Carter lock eyes.

"It's our song," she whispered to him.

She looked back at me. "Go ahead, have fun!"

They made their way to the floor, and held each other as they swayed.

Some lords approached and soon were in conversation with Maxon. I tried to act interested, but I would rather be talking about anything else. I left for a moment to go get a drink.

"Beautiful gathering," a man said.

"Oh, thank you. I really didn't have much to do with it,"

"Of course not. I'm sure you all have been busy with much more important matters,"

Something about the way he carried himself made me feel awkward.

"Well, the country can't just run itself," I said, trying to liven up the conversation.

"It could probably, given time of course."

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