Chapter Twenty Four

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America's point of view

"Gentlemen! Settle down!" Maxon said for about the sixth time.

We just told them about what happened t Maxon in New Asia.

"King Maxon, all due respect, but how are you so calm about this? They had you in a cell for four days?!" And advisor says frantically.

"Not to mention he asked for your first son! This has to be taken seriously!!" Another yells.

Then they all begin conversing amongst themselves.

Eventually everyone is screaming. I've had enough.

"SILENCE. I understand more than any of you could ever know, that this should be taken very seriously. What happened to King Maxon is unacceptable. That is why we are here. To fix this. Not to yell at each other." I say sternly.

Everyone is now silent.

"So if you are going to continue yelling and coming up with no solutions, you can leave now." I add.

They all nod their head.

I sigh, and sit back down.

"Does anyone know how we should handle this?" I ask.

"This is grounds for war. Clearly they will continue to be our enemies until they get what they want." One says.

Maxon speaks, "The princess is the one who freed Aspen and myself. She seems very reasonable. And she doesn't like her father or how he rules. She is our best bet." He says.

"How old is she?" One asks.

"She is about 14 or 15," He says.

"That's May'a age. Are we sure we can trust her with any major responsibilities?" I ask.

"She seems very mature for her age. She is very wise for her age. And that is our only option." He says.

"She is our only friend in that country," he adds.

"True. How would we contact her without the king knowing?" I ask.

"We would need to figure that out." He says.

"So we are going to ask the princess to help?" An advisor asks.

"It seems to be our only option." Maxon says.

"Can we trust her?" One asks.

"We'll just have to see. But considering she is the one who freed me and sent me back home even though she knew her father will give her hell, I think she has earned a chance." He says.

"How do we know she won't turn on us?"

"We don't. Anyone can turn on us. But we can't worry about that. This is the only option. And if you don't want to take it, we may be at war with them forever." Maxon says.

"I think you are right. We should at least attempt to get the princess's help. And if she does help us overcome them she could be the new queen and we would finally be allies and not enemies," I say.

Maxon looks at me and smiles. I trust him, so if he says he thinks this is the best option I will stand by him. He only ever does what is best for his people.

"Even if we do decide to get help from the princess, how are we going to get in contact with her without the king knowing?" One advisor asks.

"Well, we could call a servants line and say she is requested to the phone," Maxon suggests.

"That's not a bad idea. The servant would just go straight to her and she would come to the phone. The king would never get involved,"  I say.

"So is this our plan? To get in contact with the princess?" An advisor asks.

"If no one has any other ideas, yes." I say.

"How do we know she will go against her father and help us?" One asks.

"We don't, but she already has by saving me from the dungeons and sending me home. She has gained my trust, and I am willing to give her a chance." Maxon says leaving no room for argument.

"Okay, will carry out our plan tomorrow. Thank you everyone for coming. This meeting is over." I say.

Everyone left, leaving just Maxon and I.

"Will they never not be annoying?" Maxon says with a sigh.

I giggle, "Not a chance."

He looks at me with a smile.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful and I love you," He says.

I feel myself blush.

"I love you too."


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