Chapter 27

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Maxon's point of view

Today is my birthday and I just know America is going to plan something.

We are still working on our plans with princess Lucy. Who knows when we'll actually have a complete plan.

I've been looking for my wife all day. I saw her this morning when I woke up and we ate breakfast together but I haven't seen her since. Usually on birthdays we are together all day.

I shrug it off. We have been very busy lately so I understand.

Going down the hall, I see Marley. She looks at me, then her eyes widen. She knows something. She is about nine months pregnant now, the baby could come at any time. They already have the name picked and everything. Kile woodwork.

It'll be nice to have a kid running around it will give the palace some life.

I sigh and go to America and I's conjoined office. I'm so glad we decided to put our offices together. I get to work.


It's about six in the evening. I haven't seen America since breakfast. This is strange.

She must be very busy. I understand. I just hope we'll get to spend some time together. She is my favorite person, after all.

Oh well. I'll see her soon. And if not I'll see her before we go to bed. I guess.

Just as I'm thinking this, I see my beautiful wife.

She is in a beautiful gown with her hair done and smiles like she knows something I don't.

"Hello my dear,"

She rolls her eyes, "You're lucky it's your birthday," she mumbles.

I chuckle at her.

"Come with me," she says.

We wrap are arms together. She leads me down some halls and to an old room.

We go through some stairs and I realize we are going to the roof. This is a very special place for us. Almost as important as the gardens.

This is where we danced in the rain all that time ago. That was only about a year ago but it feels like forever.

I would do anything to replay that. Even though I got hell from my father after, I wouldn't change it for anything.

When we get to the roof, I see a table set up. It is beautiful.

"America.." I whisper.

"If we are being honest I had to get some cooks help with some of the food, but some I made on my own," she said.

"You didn't burn down the kitchens?" I ask.

"Haha, very funny," she giggles.

I smile and pull out her chair and we sit to eat.

"It looks amazing," I say.

"Well I wanted your 21st birthday to be special," she says.

"I love you," I say.

"Love you more," she jokes.

"Try the pasta, the cooks helped me with that," she says.

It is delicious.

"Okay so the potatoes and gravy I made myself," she says.

"No loosen?" I joke.

She just rolls her eyes.

I try a spoonful of the mashed potato and gravy.'s terrible....

She doesn't need to know that though. She worked really hard. So I take another bite and she smiles.

"You like it?! Yes!" She says happily.

I would eat all the horrible potatoes and gravy in the world to see that smile.

"It's amazing my darling," I say.

She begins eating her pasta.

I keep eating the potatoes and pasta and keeping on a smile. She worked hard on this.

"MAXON. This is TERRIBLE!" She shouts.

I chuckle.

"What...?'s amazing.." I stutter.

"Maxon the potatoes taste like death," she jokes.

"Okay they are a little...special.."

She shakes her head.

"Come on there is more to your birthday," she says.

She grabs my arm and leads me to the next destination.

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Stay Amazing

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