Chapter thirty three

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America's POV

I don't know how long I've been in this safe room, but it feels like forever. Every second in here feels like hours.

I just want to break down. Not knowing where Maxon and the twins are is killing me. I don't even know if they are alright.

I hear a clicking noise and my ears try to zone in on where it was coming from. Soon the door is pushed open, moving my body out of the way. I quickly stand up, preparing for defense if it is a rebel who some how found the room. But how would anyone have the code?

I hide behind the door, ready to attack.

"I swear she was here! She put up quit the fight, but I managed to get her in a safe room, I swear!"

"Dammit, where is she then?!" Oh God. I knew that voice.

I basically throw myself from around the door. I move so quickly towards it.

I feel strong arms wrap around me. I just let myself melt into the embrace. Everything feels okay for a moment.

"Thank God you're alright," he mumbles into my hair.

"You too. I don't know what I would have done. Maxon where are the babies?"

"What do you mean? They aren't with you?"

"I hoped you all were together. Oh God Maxon, where are they." I can practically hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"Okay, let's not panic. Someone had to have taken them to a safe room." He says trying to calm me.

"Not panic? Maxon. We don't know where-"

"America, I understand. You don't think I'm worried too?"

"Then what are you doing just standing here?" I say.

"I thought they would be with you,"

I huff, "Well, they aren't. And unless you're the world's best magician I'm going to guess they aren't with you either!" I blurt out at him.

I know I shouldn't be mad at him. He's going through the exact same thing. I just can't think right now and just want to make sure the babies are alright.

He turned towards the guard, "Tell everyone to search. Now. The prince and princess are missing. This takes priority to anything," he orders.

He grabs my hand and I look up at him. We leave the safe room and go in search. People are still being let out of safe rooms.

I hear a cry and I turn to find where it's coming from. It's coming from a safe room that was just unlocked. I run towards the sound.

"America! I didn't know if you and Maxon were in safe rooms already. I know how pushy the guards can be. I ran and grabbed the twins just to be sure. I figured safe than sorry,"

It's Marley. I give her the biggest hug and grab one of the babies. Maxon grabs the other. I feel a huge weight lifted.

Marley, Carter and her baby were all safe in the same room.

"Thank you so much," I say.

"No problem really. They were perfect angels,"

I smile Maxon finds a guard to tell them we've found the twins.

We go back to our room and decide to put them to sleep in the nursery. We plop onto our bed once both are asleep.

"I'm sorry for being short with you," I mumble, playing with his tie.

He chuckles, "You? Apologizing?" He puts a hand on my forehead. "You don't feel like you have a temperature,"

"Haha very funny." I say, rolling my eyes.

He laughs, "It's alright my dear. I understand."

I shrug, "I know...I just, it wasn't necessary to be rude. You were just as worried. I was just scared. I didn't know if you or the babies were okay and it got my mind all wound up."

"Trust me, I was just as wound, I've just been in the palace for longer. Gotten to know just how harsh the critics are when you don't just smile and act like everything's fine." He says.

"Maxon, we have to stop this. I don't think I can do that again. Not knowing if the most important people in my life were alright was the worst feeling ever,"

"I know. We've been moving along far with the plans for New Asia. We just need to make the plans final, and go through with them." He replies.

"So, all we have to do is find a way to get enough of our soldiers there to assist the princess into overthrowing her own father." I say dishearteningly.

"Piece of cake," he says.

"Let's hope so,"

"I love you,"

"I love you more."



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