Chapter fourteen

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America's point of view

Maxon has been working non stop, trying to figure out a way to make the palace safer. He's been arranging guards and shift times.

I tried to help, but he is way better at these things.

He has been up all night working on these plans.

Last night he didn't even come to bed. I couldn't fall asleep without him.

I had to go to his office and drag him to bed.

It's almost lunch time, so I'll get to see him at least.


I go to the dining room. It's lunch time, and Maxon should be getting here soon.

I wait and wait and wait. He never comes.

I sigh. He must be really busy.

I ask the chef to make a tray of food that I can bring to him.

If he can't come to lunch, lunch will come to him. I understand he is working hard but he needs to eat.

I grab the tray of food and make my way to our conjoined offices. I knock on the door and get no answer. So I walk in.

"What do you—" he stops himself once he sees that it is me
"Oh, hey darling, you don't have to knock."

"I brought you some lunch," I say. I can't help but have some disappointment in my voice.

"Did I miss lunch? I'm sorry. I've just been working on these plans and—" I cut him off.

"It's fine. You're working. I understand," I say calmly.

He smiles sadly, "So, what's for lunch?"

I set the tray down and sit down next to him.

"I'm sorry I've been so busy. I just really want to make the palace safe," he says.

"I understand, just try to be around more alright?" I say.

"Of course," he says, nodding his head.

"Do you need anything?" I ask.

"I think I'm good."

I nod and stand up to leave.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Wherever I'm needed. Aren't you busy?" I ask.

"Well, yes, but not too busy for you," He says.

I smile and walk back and sit down.

"So what do you have done so far?" I ask.

"Well, I've moved some guard shifts around, and drafted more. I've also talked to other countries about the attacks. It might be New Asia, but it could also be southern rebels or lower castes rebelling." He says.

"Did we capture anyone from the last attack?" I ask.

"No, they all either got away or where shot."

I sigh, "I'm sorry."

"I just hope my plans will work when I'm done," he says.


It was late so I headed to bed. I waited, but Maxon never came. I sighed and decided to sleep in the Queen's suit instead.

I can't be mad because he is doing this for us, but it's hard not to be disappointed.

I lay in bed for what feels like forever but cannot sleep.

I hear a noise and someone shout my name from the Kings suit (Maxon and my room). I see our conjoined door open. Oh God! It must be a rebel so I pretend like I'm sleeping.

But then I feel a kiss on my forehead. Maxon??

I feel the bed shift and I know he is laying beside me.

I roll over and smile at him.

"Why are you in here?" He asks.

I shrug, "Being in our room made me miss you."

"I'm sorry. I'm almost done with the security plans."

I sigh, "I understand, just remember to take a break every now and then."

He brushes his hand in my hair. He nods.

"Have you almost finished?" I ask.


"Well I'm sure it will work. You are very smart," I say.

He smiles at me and leans down to kiss me.

I love you," He says.

"I love you too."


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