Chapter one

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I woke up to kisses being placed on my neck. I swatted them away. The kisses continued. Ugh, what am I going to do with him? I rolled over, now I'm facing him. Then the are placed all over my face. I can't help but giggle.
We have been married for two weeks and I'm still not used to it.
   "You're finally awake,"he teases.

"Yes, are you happy now?"

He chuckles,"So happy."

I roll my eyes. He can be so annoying.
        "What do you want to do today?"he asks.


He chuckles, "Of course you do, my dear."

I shoot him a glare,"I am NOT your dear!"

"Oh, but as of two weeks ago, you are," he says.

"No, I'm not. Just because we are married 
            doesn't make me your dear."

"I think it does," he replies. I roll my eyes again.

I love him so much. I can't believe we are married. He is so perfect. I have no idea why he loves me. But I know he does. With all he is. I love him more than anything. I am worried about being queen, but I know if he is by my side, I'll get through it.

He rests his hand in my hip under the blankets. He smiles at me.
         "I love you so much," he whispers.
" You read my mind." I reply.
He places a kiss on my lips. He looks at his watch beside the bed and jumps up.

      "I'm sorry, I have to go I'm going to be late for a meeting with the advisors!" He says quickly.

     I frown,"It's alright. You're king. We have responsibilities now."

  He gets dressed quickly and placed a kiss on my head before running out. I would have to get used to this. To only have him on borrowed time. We barely see each other.

I sigh and go to my conjoined room to get ready. Mary and Lucy help me. They put me in a light blue gown and put my hair up. I look very regal today. I have some paperwork so I go to my office.

Once I'm done I go to visit Marlee.

"Hey America, what's up?"

"I'm just upset that I never get to see Maxon. We only see each other at meals and when we wake up."

"I'm sorry," she says

"But I can't talk to him about it because he is just doing his job as king. I knew this would be part of marrying him," I say

"I don't think it would hurt to talk to him," she says.

"But I don't want him to get angry. He is just doing his job. I don't know what to do." I say with a sigh.

"Whatever you do, I have your back," she says.

I smile,"Thanks Marlee."

"You two will figure it out. I know it," she says.

"Thanks for talking to me. I'll see you later." I say.

"I'm always here,"she says.

I smile, before leaving. I will talk to Maxon tonight. I just don't know what I'm going to say. I can't tell him not to be king. That's impossible. I just miss spending time with him. It seems like somehow things were easier in the selection. I sigh. I will have to talk to him tonight.

Maxon comes into the room. He sighs, and plops on the bed. I roll over and look at him.

"Maxon, we need to talk."


What will happen? Cliffhanger. Will they fight?
Sorry, this chapter was short!!

Thanks for reading

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