Chapter thirty five

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America's POV

America's POV

I'm in yet another meeting, wondering what I'm even doing. I think it's something about budgeting, but I'm not really sure.

I notice my self drifting off a little.

"Your magesty?"

I shake off the sleep, and sit up straight.

"I'm sorry...the twins have been keeping us up all night..." I try to explain, which wasn't a complete lie. They had been, I just left out the part about how this boring meeting wasn't doing any help to keep me awake.

After what seems like hours, it's over and they had me the papers to make the final decisions.

I remember before we actually had to do anything in the selection. Back when it was all gowns and smiling. But now I have responsibilities. There's a whole kingdom that can't just run itself.

I head into another meeting. This is going to be a long day.


It's about 6:30 when I'm done with meetings, and now time to do the paperwork for the day.

I go to Maxon and my office. He's sitting in there doing work too. He looks more relaxed than me, but he's also been doing this his whole life.

"Hello, my dear," he says, still looking at his work.

"Hey," I mumble, plopping myself in my chair.

I hear him turn around behind me in his chair.

"You okay?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah, just super busy today,"

"There's always those days around here. I guess it's just part of the job," he says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I say, looking down at the pile of paperwork.

Better get started so I can be done by at least 9:00 p.m.


I'm finally finished with my work, and the twins have been put to sleep. I flop onto the bed. Maxon isn't here yet, he must still be working.

I get an idea. I take off my heels and sneak into the hall. I go to the groundfloor of the castle. I go down a half way that leads to a staircase.

I follow the stair case to the huge wine cellar. Thank God our drinking age is 18. I grab a corkscrew so I can actually open them.

I grab about three bottles and two wine glasses and head back up. I run into a maid. Oh no. She looks at me with an amused look. I throw the confused look off my face, and stand tall and try to look as serious as I can. She just giggles a little, but curtseys and keeps walking. Phew.

I continue, til I reach our bedroom. When I enter, Maxon is sitting on the bed. He looks up to see me with my stash. He just laughs. I roll my eyes.

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