You felt a gentle touch on your shoulder and jumped, startled to see that Spencer was suddenly standing next to you.

"Are you alright?" he asked concernedly. You stood up a bit straighter, shifting so that his hand fell from your shoulder so that he couldn't feel how fast your heart was racing.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've just been... standing there. Staring. You hadn't moved in awhile, I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay."

This was exactly the kind of thing you didn't want to happen.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you said lightly, turning away from him to continue arranging stuff in your fridge. Spencer stood there next to you awkwardly and you knew he was thinking about whether or not to fight you on it. Instead, he placed his hand on your lower back and leaned in to kiss you on the shoulder before going back to the couch.


You wished there was a way you could properly describe what Audrey smelled like. Warm, like vanilla, and some sort of sweet. Not a powdery sweet, but smooth, with just a bare hint of something floral. Maybe jasmine?

She had bounded out of the airport, throwing her arms around you and kissing you on the cheek, grinning as she used her thumb to wipe off the little bit of tinted lip balm she had left there. And then came the endless fussing over you, taking in your cast and what was left of your cuts and bruises.

Spencer just watched what was going on. He had introduced himself to Audrey, he was completely polite, smiled and talked and laughed with her when she spoke to him, but he was removed from the situation otherwise.

You and Audrey went to museums, went shopping, and Spencer followed behind at a reasonable distance. You found yourself looking back for him often, making sure he was still there, still safe with you. Though there was strength in numbers, having him out of your sight made you nervous, scared that he would disappear again. Audrey tried to include him with the two of you, tried to ease the weird tension, but not too long after her attempts were made he would fall back again.

Friday night you were lying in bed with Audrey, the both of you facing each other and just talking. Spencer hadn't told her much about what had happened to you, and you glossed a lot of it over for her. You didn't want to scare her, and you certainly didn't want to compromise whatever investigation was going on without you. You didn't even mention Emily for fear that you may cry if Audrey asked you more about it.

"So I have to ask," Audrey started in a low voice, tucking her hair behind her ear. "What is going on between you and the doctor?"

You understood why she was being so quiet. Even with the door closed, the walls were thin and Spencer was lying on the couch in the other room. You frowned a little, trying to find the words to explain it to her.

"I don't know. It's been really... weird for awhile. Some stuff happened at work a month ago and he kind of... went off the rails. He's getting help now, but it got really scary for a second there. And then I got hurt, and he's been treating me differently. Like I'm breakable or something. He hasn't even kissed me. I mean there's little ones here and there but he hasn't really gotten near my face at all."

Audrey looked back at you, almost stunned.

"When was the last time you two had sex?"

You almost laughed. That was the first thing she thought of? You took a moment to think about your answer and she interrupted you.

"Dude, if you have to think about it then it's been too long. Friends with benefits, but no benefits? What's the point in that? I mean, all I'm saying is that he's even prettier than in those candid pictures you sent me."

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