Lucy [ VIII ]

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"Your majesty! Wait for me!"

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"Your majesty! Wait for me!"

It's a very common thing for you to hear your advisors call after you whenever you travel together. Especially on the ones that last a couple days, like these, when you have to travel across the border. You like to travel to other contries, love what all the different sceneries have to offer. But you very much dislike the reason for it: meeting other royals. It's the only reason why your advisors have to tag along and it's too political for your liking.

The thought of it is tiring, but riding your horse through the beautiful forests of Narnia gives you energy.

It's always your goal to lose your travelling companions at one point so you can explore on your own and sit at the edge of small streams to enjoy nature. Unfortunately you've done it one too many times. They're very aware of your tactics and always prepared, but they've never actually succeeded in keeping up with you.

It only takes minutes to escape their yells and frustrated name calling before you find yourself in a beautiful clearing. It's exactly like you remembered Narnia to be like. Small streams that lead to beautiful small waterfalls, green grass that your horse adores and soft moss to sit on whenever you need to rest your legs.

It's peaceful and perfect and carries a sense of home.

However you know that it's not home, not really. Sooner or later you'll have to turn back, find your travel companions and continue with your righteous role. Sometimes you wonder what it would be like to escape for once and for all. To not turn back and stay hidden until every clue of your whereabouts are lost. To ignore your duties and start living a new life, somewhere else, somewhere like this.

Sighing is all you've ever really done after those thoughts. You have responsibilities, people who care, you can't just give all that up.

Still, it's a nice thought to get lost in.

Or a nice forest to get lost in.

A frown starts to appear on your face as you try and find the small path that led you to this clearing. You turn in every direction until you come to the conclusion that everything looks alike.

Panic doesn't really settle in until you realise the sun is setting. Its a beautiful sight, the yellow ball slowly disappearing behind the tree tops. But it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Getting lost in a forest you know nothing about is one thing, getting lost in it while dark, well that's just dangerous. You don't want to risk taking the wrong path and ending up even more lost. But time is going faster than you first anticipated

You could smack yourself, poor timing from your part, but the people traveling with you had kept such a close watch the whole day!

You shake your head and move to stroke your horses neck. "I think I've done it again."

Your chestnut mare shakes her head, as if to say she expected nothing less. It's not the first time you've gotten yourself in this situation, but you can't help but be slightly offended.

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