Susan [ X ]

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Susan always catches the attention of many men in -and around- Narnia

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Susan always catches the attention of many men in -and around- Narnia. They alway try to impress her, seduce her and court her, but to your amusement -and relief- they always fail.

This time is no different.

A few days ago some salesman from one of the Lone Islands arrived in Narnia and was welcomed as a guest at Cair Paravel by the Pevensies. Peter thought it was the right thing to do, seeing as to how making trade negotiations with the Lone Islands has been difficult lately. The salesman had been invited to sit with the Pevensies at dinner and that was when the flirting had started.

You still wonder how you managed to sit through that torture all night. It was uncomfortable to watch the man gawk at The Gentle Queen and it had made you even more uncomfortable when he'd tried to kiss her hand more than a few times. This morning you were relieved that you and Susan were only joined for breakfast by Edmund, who couldn't help but tease you about looking jealous all night. You immediately denied his remark. After breakfast however the salesman had joined you two for an archery session, boasting about how good he was the whole time.

He still hasn't stopped. For the last hour you've been listening to him going on and on about all the skill that is required to shoot with a bow and arrow, as if the two of you have never even tried. You glance at Susan, but her face doesn't give away a single emotion. All she does is smile politely every time the boasting man misses the target.

When, finally, the salesman hands Susan the bow to teach her how it's done, Susan immediately knocks the arrow and takes on the right position. You have to hide your smirk at the surprised look on the man's face as he takes a few steps back. Good.

Of course Susan's arrow hits the center of the target. Your smile grows and a feeling of pride swells up in your heart. That's your Queen! Out of shame the man excuses himself and heads back inside the castle. You meet Susan's gaze and give her a big grin, there's a twinkle in your eye that doesn't go unnoticed by the Gentle Queen and makes her smile.

"So Edmund was right this morning, you were jealous."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


A/n: you guys! I never thought this gif book would reach 100k reads but it did! Thank you so much! I haven't been uploading that much because school's been a real pain in the ass lately. But if you have any suggestions for imagines or anything let me know!

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