Chapter 20 - The Truth and The Lies.

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Waking up that morning was the most difficult thing I’d ever had to do. You know when you have a night out and get to sleep at 3/4am and you think ‘oh it’s alright, I can have a nice lay in and everything will be fine’ and at 9am you wake up? Yeah, that’s what happened. 5 hours sleep? Really? On a normal day I have 10! Eurgh, whatever. I sit up and rub my eyes. My hands return covered in black. I slept with my make up on! Great! I run into the bathroom with whatever clothes I grab from my bag and have a shower. I feel greasy, alcohol filled and still drunk and a shower will help… I hope! I brush my teeth and hair and get dressed, before walking into the kitchen to see Jake cooking breakfast.

“You look as bad as I feel!” I say to him, sticking my tongue out.

“Everyone else asleep?” He asks while cooking fried eggs.

“Yeah, sprawled out over everything!” I laugh. There is a small silence as I go to talk about last night’s kiss but hold back. I think he’s thinking the same thing…

“Look, Ella… About last night…” He speaks in what seems to be a ‘regret’ tone. My stomach drops and a lump appears in my throat. “We’re really great friends, you know, right? And I can tell you anything?” I nod. What is he gonna say? “Well… err… I never got the chance to tell you, but I have a girlfriend, back from when I was trying to find you. She worked in printing newspaper stuff and I asked her to help trace anything for you, we ended up dating and all…” I could see this was going to end bad, well worse… The fact I kissed a guy with a girlfriend made me feel even worse. “Well… Our kiss yesterday… it made me… It made me feel everything I used to feel for you before the event…” He blurted out and looked straight down at the eggs. Woah. Was he saying he fancied me again? Like I did with him?

“So you’re saying… You fancy me?” I question. Receiving nothing but a ‘mmh’ from him, but that was enough; that was a yes. I won’t tell him I like him then… Could make it awkward.

“I can’t tell her about it. Ok? I have to push the feeling aside.” He says, this time sounding heartbroken. Why wouldn’t life ever be simple? Well, I knew I had to step back, I would have anyway regardless of if he asked me to or not.

“That’s fine. I had to do it with you before.” I blurted out. Thinking before I spoke. He looked up confusedly at me, but we were interrupted with a zombie-like band member shuffling into the room.

“I smell food! I’m so hungry!” I hear a voice say.

“Niall… How nice of you to join us!” I say without turning round. Niall was always interested in food. If anyone was going to be that cartoon character that sniffed the wafting food smell and floated to the item of food, it was him.

“Well, believe me I’d be in bed if I could be… Cant get back to sleep!”

“Niall, best thing to do is slob out. Turn the tv on, watch something random and wait for your food!” Jake laughed. Niall did just that as well. Shortly joined by Zayn and Harry, who was giggling to himself. Before long, shouting was heard echoing through the flat and I run into the bedroom to find it empty. I run into the bathroom and find Liam and Louis shoved in the bathtub with the shower on. I turn it off and help them out, handing a towel to each of them.

“Harry!!” Louis shouts.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” Liam says annoyed.

The two boys run in and jump onto Harry, making him wet.

“Guys, if I wanted to see men wrestling in wet clothing…” I begin but laugh too much to finish the sentence. Suddenly it seemed the happy atmosphere had disappeared when the news came up with pictures from last night.

New Job (Conor Maynard and One Direction Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن