Chapter 1 - Welcome To My Life

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Before i begin writing, just want to say thank you for getting this far and i hope you like it! Its something different, i thought i'd try something i've not done before so its action and romance together! Conor Maynard comes into it in chapter 2, One Direction in chapter 10. Let me know what you think!! :D Enjoy xx

The sun shines through a gap in my curtains and wakes me up. What time have I finally got away from the dream world I spend most of my time living in? 2:10pm. Eurgh. I sit up, having to shut my eyes from the painful headache I have gained overnight. What did I do this time? Admittedly staying awake until 5 or 6am is never good for you, but I’ve been unemployed for so long it seems like normality.

I slowly get up, checking myself out in the mirror opposite my bed. I do often wonder why I have it there, I never ever look good when I get up! My hair is always a mess - I’d say it looks like a lion's mane, but it always looks worse than that in the mornings. My makeup (if left on overnight) is smudged all over my face, and I just generally look like a slob in the mornings. Again I contemplate moving the mirror to the living room or something...

I stroll downstairs to the bathroom and make myself look presentable; brushing my teeth, combing my hair and washing my face. Essentials done, I waltz into the computer room and switch on my laptop. Well, I say computer room, it’s the cupboard under the stairs with a laptop in it. But it is my escape. if anything is getting too much for me, I can go there and browse the Internet, or write stories, and everything seems to be fine!

Logging onto the Job Centre website, I begin another gruelling day of searching for jobs. I'd been unlucky in jobs for a year now, I think even the woman I saw weekly at the job centre was annoyed she still had to see me! I just don't have anything businesses want, I am not the person you'd want to hire. See, a year ago I was working in an office; A decently paid job for the work I had to do, but I fell out with one of the guys that worked there - one of those head-up-your-arse types, and I don't get on with them! He was being a whingey child (aged 27 I may add) complaining he shouldn't collect the files as he has so much work to do, and then suggested I did nothing so I should get them. Well, after shouting at him across the desk, I threw my stapler at him. At his face. And I got fired. Does sound like I over-reacted, doesn't it? Well you should have been there... For 8 months I put up with his whining and moaning, his sharp, harsh comments and his lack of intelligence, his evil glares, his tutting and huffing and eventually I was gonna smack him in the face - but the stapler did it for me...

Anyway, I log in and begin searching, but I know I won’t get far. Any time I get to the second round of a job, they find out I got fired and say I’m not suitable. I need a job though, I had to move back in with my parents cos I couldn't afford the rent and it's hardly the best thing to tell people!

My phone rings and interrupts me mid-thought.


"Hello, Ella? This is Paula from the Job Centre? I know this is a far cry from what you are used to but I have had a Company Partner ring up. They are requesting for people to take their course to be a security guard, bouncer or door supervisor. It is a free course if you have been looking for jobs for a year, and you did spring to mind. Do you think you would be interested?"

Many questions and thoughts go through my head. I wanted to do something that helped me get famous. So does everyone, but I was really going to try... Acting, singing, dancing, whatever. I'd go on a talent show if I had to! How would being a bouncer do for me? I'd stand by a door, turn people away, get annoyed and punch someone in the face. The last bit may be therapeutic but that's hardly my dream!

"Hi Paula, erm, is it alright if I contact you later after I’ve had a think about it?"

There is a long pause, again I run through pros and cons of the job.

"The spaces are limited, so try and call back as quickly as possible, OK? I reckon you'd be quite good at it!"

After a quick exchange of goodbyes, I slump back into my chair. What would I do with that? I decide the best way to sort out my head is to go for a walk. Although, being in the middle of London - Shepherds Bush to be exact, sometimes the simplest of walks can turn into dodging the many people traipsing through London at this time of day. Hesitantly I grab my coat and throw on a pair of trainers. No point in making myself look nice! I check myself in the mirror by the door - Not too bad for a bare face - and head out the door.


New Job (Conor Maynard and One Direction Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя