☑️understand-BakuDeku (nsfw)

Start from the beginning

Midoriya split out of there fast.
He was up and in the elevator before Todoroki could blink.

"Well...anyway. have you ever had-"

"I am no virgin icyhot."
Bakugo told him, shutting his eyes.
"If anything I should know who you had sex with and if you bottomed"

"I did bottom."
Todoroki said.

Bakugo laughed his head off at Todoroki actually admiting it.
"With who!?"


Bakugo stopped laughing.

"Yes babe?"
Iida shot into the kitchen.

"No, I was just telling bakugo I bottomed."

"Oh, alright. It don't hurt right?"
Iida asked, putting his hand on Todoroki's back.

"No, I'm fine."

"Holy shit!"
Bakugo broke. He broke.


"I can't believe they actually asked me that.."
Midoriya muttered, taking off his shirt.

He was getting ready for his shower.

"What if I did tell them? I mean they probably know the answer but still...what wo-"
Suddenly a knock was placed on Midoriya's door.

He rushed to opened it.
"Kacchan! What-what are you-"

Bakugo asked.

Midoriya nodded, wrapping his arms around his torso.

"Alright. Let me in."
He demanded.

"I'm ab-"

"I know."
Bakugo pushed past Midoriya and into his room.
"You ready?"

Midoriya grabbed his towel and nodded.
"Good. Get some clothes."
Bakugo told him.

While Midoriya grabbed his clothes bakugo grabbed a nother towel Midoriya had in his dorm.
"Let's go."
He told Midoriya walking out and going to the showers.

Midoriya followed, confused yet willing.

"Well go on."
Bakugo gestured for Midoriya.

A blush once again spread across Midoriya's face.

Midoriya finished striping and stepped into the shower area.
But bakugo was being a bit more...dirty.

He called forcing Midoriya to look back at him.
Bakugo slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled it off letting it fall to the floor filling the silent room with a clank.

Not tearing eye contact bakugo unbuttoned his jeans, slowly pulling the zipper down.

The jeans fell to his ankles and Midoriya could feel a nose bleed coming.
Then, bakugo slid his thumbs into his waistband.

Midoriya watched, trying to stop his mind from taking the very very naughty scene to his groin

Bakugo quickly slid the thin fabric off his body and made his way closer to Midoriya.
"Now, when I told you my dad caught me after a shower you seemed confused, right?"
His hands hovered over Midoriya's shoulders, going from in front of him and following bakugo to his back.

Midoriya admitted.

"Well, I'll clear a few thing up so you.."
Bakugo trailed his hands down Midoriya's back.

Midoriya stood there, practically shaking.
"Kacchan wha-"

"Tsk nope wrong."
Bakugo said, slapping Midoriya's ass.
"My name is...?"

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