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Part 1/??

He's a pretty well put together guy. Then again, everyone has issues. Though Katsuki hides it, he hurts. Not too bad but again, everyone had issues.

He wasn't unsure of himself, not by miles. He honestly didn't know why he would feel so sad and drained often. That was until he took a test. Turns out, he suffers with depression.

His mother, Father, teachers and his boyfriends always seem to remind him he has to take the antidepressants. Katsuki always seems to "forget" he has pills.

To be honest, Katsuki hated them like most people who took them. He felt they did nothing. Once again, everyone reminds him they have a purpose.

Besides his impeccable record of never sleeping, he's fine.
He usually blames it on his quirk, at first it was true. When he first got his quirk he couldn't sleep because his mind was going nutes, now it was simply a bad habit.

He had simply became a true insomniac.

Get a hold onto something because this is an overload.
Everyone has issues and the people who don't, Denki takes their problems for them.

He constantly gets nagged at by teachers and fellow students because of his ADHD, his self confidence had gone down to stubs by this point.

Plus all the guilt he had for almost never being helpful when his class mates need him (his words not mine, DONT @ ME!)
Anyone doing absolutely anything gets denki's mind to never let up. It takes days.

He has issues with himself, due to a failure of a father figure Eijiro feels the need to be as manly as possible.

His mother has told him multiple times that he doesn't need to try so hard but Eijiro won't listen. She says that, only ever makes him want to be even more of a man.

Since he has a stuck up, drop out father, Eijiro is the man of the house and often over works himself.

Both Denki and Eijiro have issues about their thoughts on themselves, so Katsuki understood why it effected them so badly when shinso started blowing them off saying something about Iida.

Katsuki never had any doubts about any of them. He knew Eijiro and Denki didn't either, they just think too much.

Denki bit onto his nails as he listened to the dial tones.
He placed his dorm room frantically.

"Hey, babe i-"

"Where are you?"
Denki tried to hide the panic in his voice but failed. He was freaking out.

"I'm with Tenya, are you-"

"Oh okay. just checking. I'll let you get back."
Denki said, in a more convincing tone before hanging up.

He threw his phone on his bed and grabbed his hair pulling at his scalp.
Tears whelmed up in his eyes not from pain but from his headache, his feelings.

He was driving himself crazy, what was he supposed to do?
Shinso was blowing him off again for Iida...
Tears flowed down denki's cheeks.

The anxiety Denki felt just amplified when a knock sounded on his door.
"Who is it!?"
Denki yelled.
He wasn't in the mood or right mind set to deal with anything from mina, Sero, Todoroki, Midoriya or anyone else who wanted him to do something.

They didn't respond and before Denki could say anything the door was pushed opened and closed slowly.

Katsuki rushed to Denki, throwing his phone that he had on the ground and cupping denki's face trying to wipe away the tears.

bnha- oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora