☑️In Our Team (bakuTodoSero)

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((no dominance is declared so...for other parts imma need that if you wanna tell me who you think should be dom, sub or switch))

Part 1/???

Shoto Todoroki.

Yes his life is sad but he's finally feeling like he belongs somewhere.
The group, Uruaka has claimed it as, The Deku Squad.
They all included him and conversed with him for a little while.

Until...they didn't.
They stopped.
They barely even noticed he was around any more.
This caused Shoto quite some distress.

He began living his life like before all of again.
He'd barely talk, he was distant, he kept to where he was needed and left as soon as he wasn't anymore, standing in the back watching over people as he has his hands in his pockets.

He began to wonder how they hyped him up so much then suddenly dropped him.
Like he was nothing.
Like he is nothing.

Shoto sat in class, staring at the teacher as he explained what they would be doing.
In all honestly shoto couldn't care less right now. He was stuck in his mind and was blurring everyone around him out.

They just build me up for no reason then drop me for no reason.
Shoto tapped his pen on his desk.
Am I nothing? Is that what they were trying to prove? We're they trying to prove something?

Shoto looked up and found an upset and bothered Katsuki.

Shoto asked as Katsuki towered over him.

"Didn't you hear the bitch?"

"Bakugo, I wouldn't call Aizawa-"

"I am no bitch."
Aizawa told both Katsuki and Sero.

Shoto looked around the class seeing everyone was paired up in threes.
He stood as well.
"No, I didn't hear Aizawa."

Katsuki tsked and rolled his eyes.
"We have to do a fucking report about dumbass-"

Sero interrupted Katsuki.
"Hero's who have had trouble or made mistakes when doing a mission."

Shoto nodded.
"When is it due?"

Sero rubbed the back of his neck.
"In two weeks. There's actually a lot to do man"

Shoto nodded and grabbed his bag.
"I suppose we can meet at my dorm after dinner."

"Sounds cool dude!"
Sero agreed giving him a thumbs up and trying to drag Katsuki away.

Katsuki yelled beging dragged by Sero.
He got it one finally yell.


Shoto stacked his books back neatly on his desk. He had just gotten done studying.
Diner was already served, actually quite a while ago. Shoto had no intention on going down though. He was far too busy.

Lately, since he's been basically kicked from The Deku Squad, shoto had been needing distractions to keep him from his thoughts. They've been torturous. He had this ache feeling as well.
In his chest but he couldn't tell why.

Suddenly a knock placed on his door and he stood.
Shoto opened it and found Katsuki and Sero.
Katsuki looked pissed, like always.

"Come in."
Shoto greeted and allowed them inside.
They walked in, they took off their shoes and put them next to the door. Sero then shut the door.

Shoto had sat at his desk while Katsuki and Sero took off their shoes.
He has also grabbed papers and pens for them all.
He handed them hard covered books, papers and their pens.

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