☑️ Shut the hell up (fluff Pres.Aizawa)

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Part 1/???

It happened often and Aizawa knew it wasn't Yamaha's fault. He never held it against his beloved husband.
He just braved through it and tried to comfort him the best he could.

Yamaha was currently tossing and turning mumbling about something Aizawa couldn't understand completely. He was having a rough night, they both were.

Aizawa rubbed Yamaha's back softly whispering to him.
"It's okay Yamaha"

Aizawa laid on the pavement, blood was around him. It was aizawa's blood.
Yamaha looked at Aizawa, he was having trouble breathing but he was alive.

Yamaha bent down ignoring the blood that was staining his pants hand cupped aizawa's face.
"Babe..Aizawa..shoya! No, you'll be okay"

Aizawa grabbed Yamaha's wrist softly and smiled at Yamaha.
Aizawa locked eyes with his husband.
"I lo-love you"

Yamaha felt tears drip from his eyes.
"I love you too but you'll be fine. This is all okay."
He tried to tell Aizawa.

Aizawa nodded. He looked at Yamaha with pure content and love.
"I love you"

Yamaha was now sobbing holding aizawa's hand. He knew Aizawa was slipping away but this wasn't how it was supposed to happen.
"You-You promised me that we would die together remember!?"
Yamaha tried to get aizawa's attention.
"This isn't what we said! You're not allowed to die!"
Yamaha collapsed onto of Aizawa in sobs.

"It's still you and me."
Yamaha felt aizawa's hand go loose.
"Shoya please..this is-youre gonna be fine."

Aizawa held Yamaha against his chest while he shook. Aizawa had no clue what he was dreaming but knew he couldn't wake Yamaha due to the last time.

Aizawa softly brushed Yamaha's scalp as he whispered calmings to him.
"It's okay"
He told him.
"You're okay."
He kissed Yamaha's head.

Hours pass and Yamaha is still tossing and turning and Aizawa was to the point where he had to wake him.

If it continued like this Yamaha wouldn't be able to get any restful sleep.
Aizawa slowly shook Yamaha.
"Babe, wake up."

When that didn't work he sat up and pulled Yamaha with him.
Aizawa pinched Yamaha on the shoulder and Yamaha shot awake gasping and looking around, his hands moved around as well until they found Aizawa.

"Yeah, hi."
Aizawa greeted. He brushed the hair out of Yamaha's face and behind his ear.
"What'd you dream about?"

Yamaha gulped and leaned against Aizawa.
He wiped his face just realizing he had tears on his cheeks.
"Uh..something went wrong during your patrol."

Aizawa nodded kissing the side of Yamaha's head.
"Nothing's going to go wrong okay? I'm very safe when doing those."

Yamaha gulped back.
"But what if something happens? What if you get badly injuries?"

Aizawa softly cooed at Yamaha to get him to be quite.
"Stop, you're over thinking babe."
Aizawa told him making yamaha look at him.
"It'll be okay."

Yamaha nodded.

Aizawa smiled softly
"So, you wanna try to sleep again?"

Yamaha nodded snuggling against Aizawa.
Aizawa patted Yamaha's shoulder as he softly laid on him.
"Yeah, it's okay now."


Yamaha knew the trouble and stress he put Aizawa in. He hated what he did to Aizawa but he couldn't really help it.

He loved Aizawa and it would kill him to leave, not that...he's ever thought about leaving Aizawa.

Yamaha hated that he kept Aizawa up at night. He wished he wouldn't but it's not like he can control it.

Sighing yamaha walked into his class room.

Both Aizawa and Yamaha would always play off their emotions like they were fine and it worked everytime.
But one day, they are bound to break.

((I know it's short but eyyy I tried to fix this the best I could?? Thank you for reading! ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤♥️🧡💛💚💙💚🖤

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