☑️ShinSeroKami + Ojiro

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Part 3/???
Don't lie to me. I know you wanted this.
BUCKLE IN AND PUT ON YOUR BIG BOY (or girl or just you ass kicking) PANTS!

It was late, they didn't even really know why they couldn't sleep but shinso and Sero laid awake.
It's not like they were uncomfortable, Sero had Denki in his arms as he laid back to the mattress while shinso had Ojiro laid on top of him.
They were both warm and all cuddle up with each other.
So why couldn't they sleep?

Shinso had always had trouble sleeping but over the weeks Sero had noticed that shinso was having even more trouble.
He would get the maximum of two hours a night apposed from his usual three to four hours

Ever since they found Ojiro trying to take a run at four in the morning Sero has had trouble sleeping.
He thought it could be that subconsciously he was afraid Ojiro would get up and leave.

"Do you ever think you're not enough?"
Shinso's deep voice clouded sero's thoughts.
Sero turned his head to look at shinso with frowned brows.
"I mean like, for them. Us"

Sero looked down at his hand that was gently rubbing denki's scalp.
He did have those thoughts from time to time but usually dismissed it.
"Yeah. But I always remember I'm doing my best and as long as I am that's enough for you guys. My best, your best, his best and their best is enough for all of us."

Denki moaned snuggling his face into sero's chest.
"What are you talking bout?"
Denki's words were slurred as he opened a single eye to look up at Sero.

"Go back to sleep babe."
Shinso turned away just in case Denki looked his way.
He couldn't bare to look at Denki with this on his mind.

Denki frowned and sat up hovering above Sero.
"Love, what's going on?"
Even though Denki had just woken he could tell they were having a serious conversation by the tone of shinso's voice

One of sero's hands went up to hold denki's waist just in case he got too excited and fell over the side of the bed.
Sero, would catch him.

Denki called. Shinso still averted denki's gaze.
"Why won't you look at me?"
Denki hates this. He hated when shinso didn't look at him. That's how he knew something was seriously out of place.

Finally shinso looked at Denki. A wave of guilt flooded over shinso's entire being physically making his heart hurt.
He gulped.
Why did he feel guilty for feeling this way?
"I'm sorry Denk.."

Denki looked to Sero for some sort of reasoning, some answer to his unspoken question.
But Sero gave him nothing.
"What's goin on. Talk to me."

Shinso sighed and tightened his arms around Ojiro who was still sleeping.
"Am I enough for you?"

That question made Denki gasp.
"Fuck you."
He said glaring at shinso.
"Fuck. You. How dare you. You think you can go around feeling fucking insecure about what's mine? No. You're amazing. You're so unbelievable. How could you even think that? I should hit you for insulting one of the three best things on this planet."

Shinso was shook.
Did...did Denki just swear at him...but....nicely??

"Don't think for a second I'm done. You think I go day to day without thinking about you? Or sero? Or Ojiro? You know everyday, if its a rough day or not, I think about how I can't wait to go to one of your dorms and just hang out. Be around you guys. So fuck you. There's nothing more I could ask for."
Denki took in a deep breath.

"Yeah...I may not have been in this relationship long but.."
Ojiro spoke in a sinful morning voice making everyone turn to him. When had he waken up?
"I can see how hard you try. And trust me, it's far more than enough.."

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