☑️TodoBaku + MonoShin

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Part 2/??

This is the continuation of TodoBaku + EraserMic

It was strange. Very strange.
When monomo had made fun of Shoto and Katsuki he didn't think much of it. In his mind, liking the same gender was a no-go.
He had no idea how he got this way. He slightly blamed Shoto and Katsuki for putting the idea in his head even though he knew it wasn't them, it was all him.

Monomo's eyes widened as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.
What was he thinking!?
Water droplets rolled down his face due to him slashing his face with cold water.
His hands gripped the rim of the sink.

These thoughts were not okay.
Monomo didn't know how to deal with them. He never had these thoughts about anyone!
What was he supposed to do!?
Monomo rubbed his wet hands on his face.

As he closed his eyes, his face came into view. His jaw was skillfully crafted by the hands of a gay god, his eyes had a picture of the universe that captivated monomo. The purple mixture with hints of dark blue was hard not to get caught up in.

Monomo yelled at himself at the thoughts.
He's not supposed to have these kind of thoughts, especially not with the same gender!
Then a thought hit him.
He made fun of Shoto and Katsuki...they're gay...they should know what to do.

Monomo's eyes lit up with hope until...
"I made fun of them..they won't help me."
Monomo sighed.
Maybe if he begged...if he did something for them...


Shoto sat in Katsuki's lap, his back laid against Katsuki's chest. Katsuki had his arms around Shoto, holding him close.

"You can't sleep now."
Katsuki kissed Shoto head as he was slowly slipping into sleep.
"You still have to eat."

Shoto hummed and growned.
"But..I'm tired"
Katsuki smiled, squeezing Shoto lightly

"Oh, hey."
Izuku greeted someone from behind Katsuki and Shoto.
Katsuki turned his head once he heard the voice.

"Hey, where's..bakugo?"
He had said.
Katsuki's blood boiled as he looked at the blonde that had made his sho oh so scared.

Next thing Katsuki knew Monomo was sat next to him and Shoto trying to start a conversation.

"Bakugo, Todoroki."
Monomo called, he was really trying to get along with them.
Shoto refused to even look at Monomo let alone speak to him.

"What the hell do you want?"
Katsuki spit at Monomo.

Izuku frowned his eyebrows at Katsuki
"Be nice "

"Why should I!? He had the fucking nerve to tell lies to us! To hate on us because we fucking held hands "
Katsuki barked (like the pomeranian he is)
At Izuku.

Monomo said squeezing his hands in fist.
"I'm sorry. I realize that I had no place to think or say anything like that. I..I really shouldn't have. I don't know what to do now though. I need help and you two are the only ones I know who can help. I know I don't deserve it but please.."

"Thanks for the apology but,"
Katsuki glared.
"Hell no."

Izuku's eyes widened.
"Kacchan you ha-"

"I know. Thank you anyway."
Monomo stood and began walking out of the dorms.
He had gone all that way for something he was prepared for. How was he going to deal with this now?

"Katsuki bakugo."
Izuku's voice went deep, his eyes shaded over. Katsuki shouldn't have been so mean. Monomo apologized full heatedly.

Katsuki was shocked to see Izuku that way. That was how he knew he done fucked up.

bnha- oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora