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I see you through the window
Our eyes are locked together

Jungkook clung to the wall, hiding his face in a dark baggy coat and overall. He wore a mask to hide his face.

It had been seventeen years since his parents passed away. Seventeen years since the Vampires had taken over his town. 

His eyes glided over the streets, looking to see if the crowned prince was around. Searching if another dead body of a Vampire or human lay cold on the street.


He walked across with careful precautions. "Boo!" 

Jungkook winced and shot around pointing a dagger at the blond's heart. He gave a cold sigh, "God damn it Jimin, don't do that during a bloody war." He hissed through his teeth.

"Sorry, Guk. I couldn't help it," he chuckled. "You looked so venerable." 

Jungkook smiled under his mask but it lasted mere seconds. "Do you think the war will just... keep going?"

Jimin kept quiet for a few seconds before shaking his head, "We'll win. Kill all of the Vampires and take our land back. I know it."

Jungkook placed his dagger into his back pocket case. Yet, his hand tightly gripped it. The two boys walked towards the small village house where a bunker lay beneath it. 

Screams and smoke from fires could be seen from miles. At this point, the screams mixed with the car horns. He wasn't sure which was which.

"Jungkook?" Jimin's voice interrupted his thoughts. 


"I did have a question? Are- are you..." The older bit his lip, "Is it true that you're going to the forest? I overheard you and Hoesok talking- more like arguing about you going alone."

Jungkook gave a small sigh, "Yeah." 

Jimin paused in his footsteps, "Oh. But what about Vampires?" He tried to sound calm, look calm, but the younger wasn't blind.

"Repellent, dagger, loaded gun, black clothing, and neck cover." Jungkook listed, continuing to walk into the basement of the house. 

"What about-"

"There's a lot of myths, hyung." Jungkook cut him off, throwing his bag on the ground. "I plan on going to the Vamp's forest," he concluded.

Jimin chewed his bottom lip, "I should go-"



"Taehyung! Where the hell do you think you're going!" The bony, paled-skin older yelled.

"To the human world, why can't I go Yoongi-hyung?" The oblivious younger asked.

Yes. That's right. Taehyung was oblivious. His mother had ordered Yoongi to hide him in the forest away from the commotion. Since he was the half-blood vampire prince.

Rumors spread that he was the reason for the war, yet, Taehyung had no clue about it.

He was in his own world. Lost and trapped.

"No. Not today." 

"But we used to always go down there. Remember?" Taehyung gave a pouty face.

"Yeah yeah, but not anymore."


"We're... having a feast tonight! Come on!" Yoongi grabbed the younger arm and pulled him to the camp. 

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