Chapter 13 - Horde in the woods

Start from the beginning

"Oh, don't mention it. Honestly, I had a hard time because your arm kept on bleeding. I really thought you had already died and would soon turn. That's why I strapped you to the bed and waited until morning before making any decisions."

"I guess you won't be chopping anyone's head off."

He smirked and walked towards the door. "Don't move around. I'll go grab something to eat. Do you need anything else?"

I shook my head, and he left the room.

So his name is Dean. I remember him saying Isabelle's name last night. Was it really Belle? Or someone with just the same name as hers?

I stood up and stared outside the window. Trees are all around the area, and rushing water can be heard somewhere nearby.

"Oh, I forgot to mention-I'm pretty sure that you're not one of those bandits that escaped the construction site last night, so... what were you doing there alone?" He asked from the other room.

"We..." I paused for a moment and bit my lower lip before continuing. "I was ambushed by their group on the road and ended up captured."

"Huh, so you were ambushed. What happened to we?"

I remained silent and stared into the distance.

"So they didn't make it. Sorry for your loss," he apologized as he stood in the doorway holding a tray.

He handed me one of the plates, which contained a chunk of unknown grilled meat and some ketchup on the side.

It's been a year since the outbreak happened. I believe this ketchup is already expired, but whatever.

We both sat on the bed and started eating with our bare hands. The room was filled with silence for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"There were three of us on a supply run in search of guns. We found this police department and entered it. But... we're too oblivious to our surroundings. Some crazy old man sneaked up on us, shooting one of my friends from behind... and killing him."

I took a deep breath and continued talking.

"Me and the last guy called it a day, but we were ambushed. They captured us and held us in two different rooms. They beat him just to get information on where we live, but in the end they got pissed and brought a captured infected to threaten him."

I paused for a couple of seconds to maintain my emotions. Everything that happened yesterday came flashing into my mind.

"He got bit, but those bandits killed the infected immediately to prevent it from gobbling him up. Then the door to my room opened, and they threw him inside, threatening me to speak before my friend turns into one mindless creature."

"So... you told them where you live?"

"Of course not. Instead, we used his remaining hours to devise a plan for me to escape, and part of that plan is for me to get bitten by him when he finally turns." I replied.

"So that's where you got that bite on your arm, and you killed him afterwards."

I looked at him and slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry for asking..."

I took a bite of the meat and smiled. "It already happened. All we can do is to get a move on and accept the reality no matter how hard it is."

Just like what Jake told me...

"Such wise words for someone who just lost a friend. You have a brave soul."

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