Chapter 22 - The Traitors

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"Ugh, that stinks..."

The smell of dead infected scattered around the tall grasses almost made me puke. The blood also looks fresh. I guess Dean killed some strays to ensure that the area was safe.

"Now where in hell is that?"

Dean radioed me earlier through the walkie-talkie, and I explained to him what happened. He then told me to meet him in a hut located somewhere around here.

I looked behind me and noticed how far I was from Trosta. It breaks my heart to think about the people I've abandoned.

I hope we all meet again.

I ignored my thoughts and made my way through the thick bushes. A couple of minutes later, and I found a hut surrounded by plants and tall grasses.

Is this the one Dean was talking about?

I held on to my knife and slowly approached the shack. Suddenly, a guy holding a rifle walked out. I was about to hide behind the trees, but I immediately recognized his face.

"There you are." I smiled.

"Miss me?" he smiles back.

Yeah, a bit...

I sheathed the knife back in its holder and walked towards him. "Is Belle with you?"

"I left her back at the camp. She's with the pregnant woman that I mentioned before. Sorry, I should've brought her with me."

"No, it's okay. As long as she's safe."

We both went inside and sat on a dusty wooden bench. It's getting a little hot in here, so I took my hoodie off and hung it somewhere.

"So... kicked out, huh?" he laughed.

I shook my head and smirked. "I could've died if I stayed there. I don't have a choice."

"I see. I'm just glad you're safe." he said which made my heart skip a beat for some reason.

The hell was that?

I placed my hand on my chest, and I can feel my heart beating faster than normal.

Must be a heart burn or something, I don't know...

"Anyway how's the bite?"

"What bite?" I wondered.

"The one that I patched up before," he said, pointing at my arm.

"Oh, you mean this?" I showed him the arm and smiled. "All better now. It only took a few days for it to recover. The torn skin obviously can't be replaced, so it now looks like some weird patch of, uh, I don't even know how to explain this huge blood clot." I chuckled.

"Rejected subjects are really... something. I still don't know why those crazy people conducted such experiments on random civilians,"

"I could only think of one reason. Maybe there wasn't a vaccine created to deal with the virus, and now they're just using the pathogen itself to act as some kind of weapon to deal with the infected." I explained.

"Some kind of weapon?"

Oh, right, he doesn't have proper knowledge about certain individuals like me.

"Well for starters, our body works differently than a normal person. Once I get bitten by an infected, the pathogen circulates through my body, and then the infection starts. In just a minute or two, I experience some weird changes, such as my physical strength and agility. I know it's weird and hard to believe, but that's what happens." I said this as I noticed his left brow slowly rising.

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