Chapter 31 - Race against time

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A/N: Hey there, it's me, the author. Just a quick note to avoid confusion in the book's final chapters.

When you see three short dashes (- - -), you're about to read from Cyra's point of view.

And when you see three asterisks (***), you're about to read from a third-person perspective.

That's all. I'll see you guys on the flip side.

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I went straight to the room where Miya and Zy are supposed to be held. But what I saw behind the door was something I didn't expect.


I rushed towards him and pulled his arm. That's when I could feel my soul slowly leaving my body.

"No, no, no! Wake up!" I said, shaking his body multiple times.

But despite my efforts, there was no response.

His face is all beaten up. and there's a small amount of blood coming from the side of his head.

This isn't happening...

I calm myself and check for his pulse. Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming from outside the room.

"You've got to be kidding me,"

I pulled my handgun out and pointed it straight at the door.

"Cyra!" a familiar voice called.

I then sighed in relief and lowered my gun after Kauri showed up, panting.

"Thank God you're safe," she mumbled.

"You're supposed to get the people from the third zone out of the camp. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I can't just leave you behind. Come on, we got to go."

I looked back at Zy's unconscious body, and I could hear Kauri walking towards me.

"Is that... your friend?" she asks.

"Yeah..." a smile came across my face after my fingertips felt a pulse on Zy's wrist.

Thank God.

"Kauri, I need you to carry this guy."

"Wait, I thought there were two of them."

"I think Jairus took the other one with him. Her name is Miya. I bet he's going to use her as a bargaining chip or something."

Kauri walked past me and checked Zy's pulse. "Oh, he's still alive."

"Yeah. I think he got hit in the head by a blunt object and passed out."

"Huh, good for him."

Kauri then grabbed Zy's arm and carried him on her back.

We didn't waste a second, and we left the bunker. But as soon as we got out, infected greeted us on the surface.

Some of them have chunks of flesh dangling from their mouths, while others are gnawing and munching on the corpses of men that I killed earlier.

I still don't understand what causes the infected to cannibalize a non-infected person. I guess that's how they spread the disease—such a brutal method.

"Quick, everyone's waiting." Kauri said as she led the way.

I stopped running, and she noticed it.

"Come on!" she insisted.

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