Dinner and a Movie

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Before a decision could be made, the doorbell rang, a clear chime echoing through the house. Eridan leapt to his feet, "That should be the pizza I ordered."

Jade blinked at him, "You ordered pizza?"

"When?" John asked.

"When I got here," he replied. "Pizza is party food, right? And I thought it best if I took care of the food myself to make sure no one screwed it up." He started walking over to the door before pausing.

He turned around and pointed at Equius. "Come with me to carry the food," He said.

Equius stood and followed him to the door. A moment later, they returned with a nearly comical tower of food in their arms. Or rather, Equius did. Eridan himself was carrying nothing more than two bottles of soda.

He noticed the other's somewhat judgmental stare and frowned. "What?" he asked, putting the bottles down. "I paid for it. Besides, he's not complaining."

Kanaya shook her head and stood, taking Rose's hand. "We'll go find some plates and cups," she declared before leading Rose away.

"We could watch a movie while we eat," Sollux suggested, preventing what was about to become an awkward silence. "AA and I have been looking over these."

"Oh sweet," John said, "Sounds good! Although, I'm not sure I have that many horror movies."

"We found one," Aradia said, presenting the disc case. "The Shining, it sounds entertaining."

John took the DVD from Aradia and started setting things up, "I forgot I had this honestly, I think Dave gave it to me but I never watched it."

Dave put a hand over his heart and toppled over dramatically, "You wound me bro, didn't even appreciate my gift?"

"You gave it to me as a joke!" John protested, laughing. "You know I don't like horror movies."

"No, but you like jokes," Dave said with a grin as Karkat pushed him back up with an annoyed scowl.

Everyone settled in around the tv and soon Rose and Kanaya returned with plates and cups for everyone. Pizza was passed around and to your surprise, you found that Eridan's topping choices were actually quite good.

There was a slight shuffle as Rose and Kanaya took their seats as well. In the end, you found yourself sitting next to [Favorite/Human] and [Favorite/Troll]. You took a bite of the pizza as the movie started to play.

One scary movie later, and the only one who'd ended up getting scared by the movie was John.

"That was, slightly underwhelming," Sollux said bluntly.

"It was?" John asked in surprised, "What are horror movies like on Alternia?"

Kanaya chuckled, "Well, we don't exactly have a concept of horror movies on Alternia," she said.

"Because life on Alternia is already such a shit show," Karkat cut in. "No one finds more mindless violence interesting except maybe the highbloods, but they usually just hire live theatre for that."

Jade grimaced, "You can stop talking now. I don't think I want to know what happens with that live theatre."

Karkat shrugged, "John asked."

"Alright," Kanaya cut in before the argument could go any further. "If we're all done eating, let's decide what we want to do next."

If you would like to do another activity, pick any one of the three previous chapters. If you would like to continue the story, go to the chapter title Midnight. Enjoy!

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