Dave Strider

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"I pick... Dave!" You decide, grabbing his hand, "It'll be fun, and I can protect you."

Karkat laughed, "If he lets you. He's got such a hero complex."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Rose took the lead, "Alright, let's go now."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Rose stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"Give us a moment to get set up," she said, "You'll know when you're ready to come in. You don't have to stay in your pairs but it might be nice to. And most importantly, have fun. We'll see you in a moment."

A few people broke away from the group and followed her inside to prepare. You smiled at Dave, "Are you excited?"

Dave nodded, giving you an eager grin. "Can't wait to get all spooked up with some ghouls and goblins," he said.

You laugh, "Ghosts and gremlins too?"

"You get it."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Dave waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You stepped ahead of him, "I'll lead if you're too scared," you teased.

Dave peered at you over his shades, "Me? Scared? You're out of your mind. I'll be the one protecting you, I'm the knight after all."

"I guess we'll see," you grin.

As you enter, the first thing you notice are the bloody splatters covering the wall. They were multicolored but recognizable, even to a human and you could make out handprints amongst the mess. And were those foot prints too on the ceiling?

"Realistic," you comment, "They didn't use real blood for this, did they?"

Dave took a closer look and shook his head, "Nah, Karkat did these and he's too much of a baby for that. They do look cool though."

The two of you continued into the next room where artificial fog flowed over your feet. Before you could speculate on what this room contained, black shadowy tentacles sprouted from the floor lifting you and Dave off of your feet.

You laughed in surprise, cheering as you the tentacles carried you across the floor. Dave laughed at your reaction and pumped his fist in the air, adding to your cheers until you were set down on the other side of the room where Rose emerged from the shadows, glowing ominously.

"One room down, two more to go," she whispered, her words sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine before she disappeared once more.

The two of you entered the second room, set up to resemble a graveyard. You look eagerly around the room and your gaze lands on a skeleton sitting against one of the tombstones.

Aradia, it had to be. You point at her and nudge Dave with your elbow. "Jump scare?"

He nodded, "Probably, but as a fellow time player, she probably has a few more tricks up her sleeve."

You stick your tongue out at him, "That's not a time thing."

"Sure it is," he says with a shrug, "Time is tricky."

You were interrupted by a tap on your shoulder and you turned to find a skeleton standing between the two of you. "Looks like you were right," you say, laughing at the creativity of the animated skeleton.

"Of course I was," Dave said giving the skeleton a fist bump. The skeleton waved before collapsing into a pile of bones. You turned back to where you thought Aradia had been with a grin, "Nice one-"

You blinked, she was gone. You turn to Dave, "Where did she go?"

"I'm not sure," he mused, looking around. He grabbed your hand and tapped his chest, "We had better stick together. So I can protect you, you know."

You laugh and squeeze his hand affectionately, "My hero."

As the two of you neared the other side of the room, you felt something brush your ankles and you looked down to see a skeletal hand clawing at your feet. You gave the hand a little kick before looking back up just in time to see Aradia pop out in front of you.


You grinned, "This was awesome, Aradia."

She smiled, "Two rooms down, one left to go."

The two of you continued onwards, into a long hallway, dimly lit by fluorescent bulbs. You listened to their humming and watched the small windows that lined the hallway. There seemed to be no way to go but forward.

Dave peered into one of the windows, "Pitch black," he reported, "Can't see a thing."

"Guess we ought to keep moving then," you say, taking a step forward.

The second you did so, the lights above flickered ominously before surging to a blinding glow. A loud wailing started up and you realized with a start that bandage covered hands were now reaching out from every window, grabbing blindly for you and Dave.

With shrieking and laughter, you and Dave broke into a run down the hall, ducking beneath the outstretched hands and trying to push each other into their reach.

Right before you reached the end of the hallway, the hands retreated and the lights returned to normal. But the moment of reprise did not last long before a section of the wall fell in with a boom, revealing Sollux as a mummy, his eyes sparking with the effort of using his psionics.

He staggered out towards you and clasped both of you on the shoulder. "Congratulations," he said, breaking character when neither of you flinched.  "You've passed the final room."

"Thanks Sollux," you say, breathless from running, "That was really cool."

"Yeah, the lights were a nice touch," Dave said.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Jade asked upon noticing your arrival.

"It was pretty awesome," Dave said, turning away to wipe off his glasses which had acquired a layer of dust.

You punch him lightly on the shoulder, "More awesome because I was there, right?"

Dave laughed and put his shades back on before kissing you on the cheek, "Of course, [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Dave before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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