Costume Time

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"You know, none of us are dressed up yet," you mention. "That's a pretty important part of Halloween." You gesture to your backpack, "I have my costume in there, what about the rest of you?"

"Ooh, is it costume time?" Nepeta cheered, "Let's get dressed up!"

"And then we can have a fashion show," Kanaya agreed. "This dress is ready anyway."

Jade put her hand against a door and after a moment swung it open to reveal a long hallway of doors. "Changing rooms for everyone," she grinned, "Courtesy of your local witch of space."

"Come back here when you're done," Rose said, "We'll have everything set up by then."

Excited to see what everyone else had picked out, you grab your backpack and head into a changing room. You quickly pull on your [Favorite/Monster] costume before doing your makeup in the mirror that the room included. Soon enough, you felt that you were looking suitably spooky and headed back to the living room.

To your surprise the room was barely recognizable when you returned, having been transformed into a catwalk, complete with a seating area for the audience. You took a seat and looked around.

A few others had come out before you but in the dim lighting, it was hard to be sure what anyone was. You supposed you'd just have to wait for the show.

Kanaya was the last to arrive, and perhaps purposefully so as she took the stage instead of a seat. "Now that we are all ready," she began, "Rose and I thought it would be fun and fair to give everyone a little time to show off their costume."

She took a moment to show off her long, form fitting dress. Black with jade green detailing and silver jewelry. "I will not be officially participating myself, but as you can see Rose helped me dress up like a human vampire." She grinned revealing fangs even more prominent than usual.

"Now, without further ado, we'll be going in the order that everyone finished getting ready to keep everything fair. So Nepeta, you're up first."

Nepeta leapt eagerly onto the stage. "Ta-dah!" She said, exuding energy that cut through any awkwardness anyone might have had at the idea of getting on stage.

"Isn't the costume purrfect?" She said showing off her costume. It wasn't terrible fancy but it was pretty clear what she was, having swapped out her normal accessories for black versions. She was a black Halloween cat.

Once she'd finished her presentation,  she eagerly called Equius on stage to present his cowboy costume. He was followed by Vriska, unsurprisingly in a pirate costume that looked suspiciously close to simply an older version of her LARP costume.

Next up was Sollux who was dressed as a mummy, covered in red and blue runes. Afterwards was John who'd donned a Ghostbuster uniform that he insisted was 100% movie accurate. No one else cared enough about the movie to confirm or disprove that statement.

John pulled you up on stage after him to show off your costume and you found yourself giving the trolls a quick crash course on the lore of your [Favorite/Monster]. They listened attentively for the most part but seemed unimpressed by the human standards for what makes a monster. 

The only exception being Aradia.

She had so many questions that in the end, Kanaya had to cut her off with an amused smile. You waved Terezi on stage to show off her Police Officer costume and promised to discuss cryptids with Aradia more in depth later.

Once Terezi finished explaining how the costume had been Dave's idea and how she didn't particularly care for the human legal system, Rose took the stage with her wizard costume.

You raised an eyebrow at this. "I thought you didn't like wizards?"

Rose simply shrugged, "Kanaya and I are both dressing up as the literary caricatures of what we truly are. This has nothing to do with whether or not I like wizards."

You looked to Kanaya for confirmation. She simply shrugged and brought Gamzee on stage who was wearing a scarecrow costume.

Next up was Aradia who was unexpectedly in a skeleton costume. "I thought you would have dressed up as a ghost," Feferi said.

Aradia grinned, "But everyone would have seen that coming. And what is spookier than the unexpected?" She paused for a moment then added, "Also bones are cool."

Feferi giggled, "You have a good point. I guess I'm not that spooky then. But that's okay." She took Aradia's place on the stage and did a twirl. Her glittery dress flared out around her and fairy wings sparkled on her back.

Next up was Dave as a rusted suit of animated armor, Jade as a werewolf and Karkat as a zombie with surprisingly detailed makeup. "I never took you as one to take Halloween seriously, Karkles," Dave teased.

Karkat scowled, "Shut up Strider, I do know how to have fun, you know."

Dave laughed, "Ooh, looking real scary with that look on your face."

In sharp contrast to Karkat's disheveled appearance was Eridan, dressed even more regally than usual as a prince. His jewelry clinked with every step and an ornate gold crown sat on his head.

Finally, wrapping up the show was Tavros who stepped onto the stage in a spectacularly detailed outfit. He showed off the way his robot legs had been painted to look wooden and moved with janky motions to explain his costume.

"I'm a haunted marionette puppet," he said grinning. "Kanaya helped with the makeup, cool right?"

A shrill scream came from the crowd and everyone turned to see Dave with a hand on his forehead. He sat up and chuckled, "What? Puppets are creepy man. After growing up with Cal? This is the scariest costume by far."

Jade laughed, "You dork." She turned to you, shaking her head, "Well? What's next?"

If you would like to do another activity, pick either the next chapter or either of the two chapters before this. If you would like to continue the story, go to the chapter title Midnight. Enjoy!

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