Aradia Megido

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"I pick... Aradia!" You decide, grabbing her hand, "It'll be fun, and I can protect you."

Jade giggled, "I don't think you'll have to, she's probably just as spooky as the haunted house itself."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Karkat took the lead, "Alright, let's go now. No time to waste."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Karkat stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"Listen up. We're gonna need a moment to prepare," he said, "You'll know when you can come in. Stay in your fucking pairs and don't be a dick. Oh, and have fun I guess. See you later."

A few people broke away from the group and followed him inside to prepare. You smiled at Aradia, "Are you excited?"

Aradia gave a slight smile. "Of course, I am curious to see what they have set up that they deem 'spooky'," she declared.

"Well Jade was probably right that you're the spookiest thing here," you tell her and she lights up ever so slightly.

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Aradia waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You both enter eagerly, ready to see what was in store.

Eerie music greeted your ears as you explored the entrance of the house. An organ piece full of ambiance that was punctuated every now and then by the howls of monsters and frightened screams.

You grin, "Let me guess, Dave is in charge of the music?"

"I do believe so," Aradia agreed. "Although this is quite unlike his usual music, I am impressed."

The two of you continued into the next room where dust and cobwebs clung to the walls. Not to mention skulls and skeletons lined the walls, grinning at you with bony smiles.

"This seems very fitting for you," you tell Aradia as the two of you take the time to admire the bones.

Aradia nodded with a soft smile, "I do appreciate a good display of skeletons." The two of you strolled across the room, thoroughly enjoying the ambiance.

As you reached about the halfway point, a flash of movement to your left made you jump back. And not a moment too late as a scythe came down between the two of you. You gasped and looked up to find the wielder of the scythe to be Eridan who had changed into a strange cross between a human grim reaper and an imperious drone.

"That was close," you laughed and poked Eridan on the shoulder. "Watch where you're swinging that thing."

"I know what I'm doing," Eridan said indignantly, "I'm not stupid."

Aradia raised an eyebrow at him and he scowled, "There's no need for that now, one room down, two more to go." He backed into the shadows until he was all but invisible once more and the two of you continued on your way.

You and Aradia nodded eagerly before continuing onwards to the next room. As you entered you quickly realized that it was a mirror maze. Your own reflection stared back at you a million times over and you grinned at yourself.

"Okay, this is really cool." Suddenly, you catch a glimpse of something green in one of the reflections. You turn to mention it to Aradia when you realize that she is no longer by your side.

Momentarily forgetting what you'd seen, you start moving, hoping to catch back up with Aradia sooner rather than later. You start making your way through the maze but every now and then, you'd see that flash of green again out of the corner of your eye.

On top of that, you found yourself turned around quite quickly. After a few more seconds of stumbling around, you finally got a clear look at what the green figure was. Zombie Karkat lurched towards you, arms outstretched and groaning.

You wondered for a second if you should let him get to you but decided catching up with Aradia was more important. "Sorry Karkat," you mumble to yourself before getting moving once more.

Before long, you saw Aradia once more and ran towards her. Or rather, you thought you did, but it was more confusing than you thought because it took another minute before you were together again and by then, Karkat had caught up to you as well.

"Do you know how fucking hard it is to scare two people who are both running around like lunatics?" he grumbled, "The exit is right there, you've passed the second room. One more to go"

You chuckled awkwardly, "Oops." You grabbed Aradia's hand so you wouldn't be separated once more and headed forwards.

"I did not mean to leave you, you know," Aradia said as you exited the house, "I thought you were with me."

"That's alright, I didn't notice right away either," you reassure her.

The two of you continued onwards, into a dark room made to look like a dying forest. Branches like fingers, reached out for you as you walked and you weren't surprised when a rustle of leaves were your only warning before Nepeta pounced on you, bowling you over.

You fell to the ground laughing as you got the air knocked out of you. Luckily your fall was cushioned by a pile of leaves and you weren't hurt.

"Sufficiently scared," you said, "You can get off of me now."

Nepeta did so and smiled, "Paw-rry, I hope I didn't hurt mew. I just pawed mew might be harder to scare so I wanted to do something extra."

Aradia helped you to your feet and you shook your head as you dusted yourself off. "It's alright," you reassure her, "I'm fine."

"Good," she smiled and spread her arms, "Congratulations! Mew two passed the final room."

You gave her a friendly pat on the head and Aradia took your hand before checking you over once more.

"Hey, I meant it. I'm fine," you laugh and Aradia nodded, seemingly satisfied.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" John asked upon noticing your arrival.

Aradia smiled, "It was lovely. In fact, I think I may have some new ideas for how to decorate my own hive."

"If it's going to be anything like what we just went through then I can't wait to see it," you told her.

Aradia laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "You'll be the first I invite when I redecorate."

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Aradia before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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