Gamzee Makara

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"I pick... Gamzee!" You decide, grabbing his hand, "It'll be fun, and you can protect me."

Karkat laughed, "I'm sure you'll have to protect each other."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Kanaya took the lead, "Alright, let's go now."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Kanaya stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"Give us a moment to get set up," she said, "You'll know when you're ready to come in. You don't have to stay in your pairs but it might be nice to. And most importantly, have fun. We'll see you in a moment."

A few people broke away from the group and followed her inside to prepare. You smiled at Gamzee, "Are you excited?"

Gamzee gave you a toothy grin. "You know it, motherfucker. This is gonna be wicked," he declared and you smiled.

"I'm glad you think so. I meant it about protecting me, you know."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Gamzee waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You took a deep breath and followed him into the house.

Candles flickered ominously on the walls and smoke billowed around your feet as you walked. Dark curtains were draped across the windows, leaving the lighting dim and disconcerting. "Tasteful," you admit.

"Motherfucking highbloods," Gamzee said, "Eridan was the one who decorated."

The two of you continued into the first room where you felt yourself relaxing slightly as you saw how the room was decorated like a child's bedroom. That is, before you started noticing how the wall paper peeled and the toys that lay scattered about were all broken and the furniture in disrepair.

You grabbed Gamzee's hand nervously as the two of you made your way across the room. Suddenly, you heard a scraping sound behind you and you whirled around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Except, did those toys move?

"There's no need to be scared, sis," Gamzee said calmingly. You continued but a scraping sound made you turn around again.

"Those toys definitely moved," you said nervously. The words had hardly left your mouth when the toys stirred and crawled towards you, reaching for your feet. You realized that they weren't toys after all, but fiduspawn creatures.

A tap on your shoulder made you spin around with a shriek and you found Tavros leaning over you. "Boo," he said with a grin.

"Wow, that was really cool Tavros," you pant ,"I was definitely scared."

Gamzee smiled and leaned down to pet one of the creatures which, now that it was no longer acting, actually seemed quite cute. "Motherfucking wicked," he said.

"Thanks, you two," Tavros said, "Uhh, one room down, two more to go."

The second room you entered was cold and made of stone. Rusted suits of armor lined either side, standing in front of banners that bore the signs of different aspects. "This must be Dave's room," you whisper.

"Which suit do you think is his?" Gamzee whispered back, looking at the identical suits of armor.

You think for a moment and point at one at random, "That one."

Gamzee leads you over to it carefully and peers into the visor. "Empty," he reported just as the suit right next to you swung its lance down, hitting the floor with a loud clanging noise.

You yelped and jumped back as Dave lifted his visor with an amused expression. "You were close," he said. "I was almost worried you would ruin my surprise."

You smiled at him, "You're good at staying still."

He shrugged, "Practice makes perfect. Anyway, two rooms down, one more to go." He bowed deeply and waved the two of you onward.

You continued into the final room where the room had been set up to look like a mad scientist's laboratory. At the far end was a table next to the exit where something was covered in a white sheet.

You point nervously at the table, "Do you think someone's going to pop out from under there? Or is that too obvious?"

Gamzee gave you a soft smile, "Only one way to find out, sis." He took your hand and made his way across the room while you clung to his arm.

When you reached the door, and nothing jumped at you, you had started to relax just a little bit. However, when Gamzee reached to open the door and Kanaya burst out from beneath the sheet, arms outstretched and blood dripping from her mouth.

You screamed, jumping back into Gamzee who caught you and picked you up moving you out of the way before smoothing your hair down. "No worries, motherfucker, it's just Kanaya."

Kanaya smiled, lowering her arms, "A successful scare, it would seem. Would you two like a candy?"

Gamzee takes two pieces and gives one to you which you accept gratefully. "You know it's zombies, not vampires that are typically in laboratories, right?" You say around a mouthful of chocolate.

Kanaya shrugged, "I liked the aesthetic. Congratulations on having completed all the rooms." With that, she lay back down under the white sheet and you were free to continue.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Karkat asked upon noticing your arrival.

"Of course it was fun," Gamzee said, "It would be a miracle if I didn't think that. But like, a bad kind of miracle."

You laughed, "Yeah, what he said. I had lots of fun too. Especially because he was there."

Gamzee laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "Thanks [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Gamzee before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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