Nepeta Leijon

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"I pick... Nepeta!" You decide, grabbing her hand, "It'll be fun, and I can protect you."

Equius nods approvingly, "An admirable decision. Although I don't believe Nepeta will need much protecting."

The others paired off as well and once everyone was ready, Kanaya took the lead, "Alright, let's go now."

The group took a moment to gather up their things and headed over to where the haunted house was mostly set up. Once you arrived, Kanaya stepped forward once again to give a few reminders.

"Give us a moment to get set up," she said, "You'll know when you're ready to come in. You don't have to stay in your pairs but it might be nice to. And most importantly, have fun. We'll see you in a moment."

A few people broke away from the group and followed her inside to prepare. You smiled at Nepeta, "Are you excited?"

Nepeta was practically buzzing with excitement. "Of course I am! And I'm so glad mew decided to come with me!" she exclaimed.

You blush, "I'm glad you're happy about that."

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out from inside the house and the door creaked open all on its own. The experience was about to begin.

At your request, you and Nepeta waited for everyone else to go through part way first so that the two of you would be uninterrupted as you went through. You try your best to match her excitement as the two of you enter the house.

An eerie howl whistled through the house, accompanied by the sound of rattling chains and splatters of slime could be seen on the wall. "That must be John's doing," you say, finding that being able to point out who did what was making you feel calmer.

"That much seems paw-bvious," Nepeta said, her nose twitching. "Come on, let's see what meow-se there is."

The two of you continued into a long hallway, dimly lit by fluorescent bulbs. Your eyes fell nervously upon small windows that lined the hallway. There seemed to be no way to go but forward.

Nepeta peered into one of the windows. "It's too dark to see anything," she reported, "Even fur me."

"Guess we'd better get going then," you say, taking a step forward.

The second you did so, the lights above flickered ominously before surging to a blinding glow. A loud wailing started up and you realized with a start that bandage covered hands were now reaching out from every window, grabbing blindly for you and Nepeta.

You scream and break into a run, ducking under the hands as best as you could. Nepeta laughed and bounded after you, dropping to all fours to better navigate the grasping hands.

Right before you reached the end of the hallway, the hands retreated and the lights returned to normal. You slowed to catch your breath but the moment of reprise did not last long before a section of the wall fell in with a boom, revealing Sollux as a mummy, his eyes sparking with the effort of using his psionics.

He staggered out towards you and you flinched as he clasped both of you on the shoulder. But he did nothing more than grin, letting the glow fade from his eyes.

"Congratulations," he said. "One room down, two more to go."

"Thank mew!" Nepeta said happily, "Come on [Y/N], let's keep going!"

You nod, slightly out of breath, "Yeah, let's."

The two of you continued into the next room where the room had been set up to look like a mad scientist's laboratory. At the far end was a table next to the exit where something was covered in a white sheet.

Acting braver than you felt, you puffed out your chest and pointed at the table. "Definitely a jump scare coming," you tell her.

Nepeta grinned, "What if I scare her fur-st?" she dropped to the ground and crept forward until she'd reached the table. Then she jumped up, "Rawr!"

When there was not reaction, she shrugged and motioned for you to join her. "It's safe."

Cautiously, you head to the door, letting your guard down. This turned out to be a bad idea however when you reached to open the door and Kanaya burst out from beneath the sheet, arms outstretched and blood dripping from her mouth.

You screamed, jumping back into Nepeta who laughed, wrapping her arms around you. "Oops, I guess Kanaya is trickier than I expected."

Kanaya smiled, lowering her arms, "Thank you. Would you two like a candy?"

Nepeta takes two pieces and gives one to you which you accept gratefully. "You know it's zombies, not vampires that are typically in laboratories, right?" You say nervously around a mouthful of chocolate.

Kanaya shrugged, "I liked the aesthetic. Two rooms down, one more to go." With that, she lay back down under the white sheet and you were free to continue.

You open the door successfully this time and move into the next part of the haunted house. Looking around, you found yourselves in yet another hallway with closed doors on either side.

"Ooh, ex-purring time!" Nepeta said, grabbing a door handle. She shook it and frowned, "Darn, locked."

"I guess, we just keep walking..." you said, trailing off as the clip clop of a horse's hooves echoed down the hall.

Nepeta looked at you, "A horse? It's purr-obably Equius!"

Before you could answer, one of the doors further down burst open and a headless rider dashed across and through another door on a pitch black horse. The door slammed shut behind the horse and the two of you looked at each other.

"De-fur-nitely Equius," she declared, looking around at the doors, "I'll catch him next time.

Nepeta stalked down the hall until a creak behind you made the two of you whirl around. The rider thundered past again, and Nepeta pounced but the door swung shut in her face just in time.

"Third time's the charm," she insisted.

You nodded, putting on a brave face and as the two of you had nearly reached the end of the hallway, the rider emerged from the final door and leapt off the horse.

"You have passed the final room," he said with a bow.

"Equius," Nepeta cheered giving him a hug. She smiled at you, "I told you it was him! Hunter's instincts, I'd recognize my meow-rail anywhere."

"Very impressive," you laughed, giving her a pat on the head as Equius led the horse aside so that you and Nepeta could pass through.

The two of you went through the final door and emerged on the other side of the house. The rest of the group were already out there waiting. Some looking more scared than others.

"How was it?" Terezi asked upon noticing your arrival.

"I loved it!" Nepeta cheered, "I could do this every day!"

"I wasn't sure about it at first, but Nep made it so much fun," you agreed, throwing your arms around her.

Nepeta laughed and kissed you on the cheek, "Thanks [Y/N]"

A chorus of reactions came from the others but you ignored them all and just smiled at Nepeta before returning the kiss.

This would be a Halloween to remember.

I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Halloween!

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