Days Go By [Part 1]

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-I've figured out that I really suck at epilogues. I had to rewrite this chapter four times before I gave up and wrote it more off-kilter than the usual epilogue you see out there. So, this chapter will be kind of long, and it will have a bit of humor, a dark side that will partially lead toward the sequel, and happy stuff. There will also be character resolutions here that have been left tense or uncertain in the past chapters.

For your information, some parts of this chapter may be pretty slow-paced, and that was completely intentional. I know some of you might consider the slower parts boring, but I assure you they are important for the end of this story and the beginning of the sequel in some way, shape, or form. It may not seem like it at first, but trust me, they are!

In this chapter, there is also foreshadowing of one of the bigger conflicts coming in the sequel. I wonder if any of you can guess what it's hinting at?



"...swings again, Moon."

"Shut up! I have every right to freak out!"

I groggily opened my eyes, feeling a stabbing pain in the back of my skull. I groaned when it felt like hot lightning lanced down my spine, gaining the attention of two black blobs in front of me. They quickly stopped there squabbling to huddle around my head.

I heard Astra speak first. "Open your mouth and let this dissolve before swallowing-"

"Don't swallow it," I mumbled faintly, "I can't swallow it, Mom. I know... I know it'll hurt my stomach if I do."

"Oh, oops," Astra said sheepishly. "Kinda frazzled right now..." She put a sweet thing on my tongue, and I let it slowly dissolve as my eyes adjusted on their faces. The second face was Moon's, and she seemed to be very nervous for some reason.

"Speaking of knowing things," Astra hummed, staring at me intently. "I've figured something out that I've been struggling with for a while—just now, actually." I tilted my head, confused.

She hummed thoughtfully for a moment, looking at the ground as she idly trailed her claw through the dirt. "It won't be easy," she purred, "and it's going to be a lot to remember. But... I've been looking for a while for someone to continue my work eventually, and I can't trust anyone to stay dedicated, let alone do a good job." She paused for a moment, swirling her claw in the dirt.

"The many other dragons I've tried to teach got bored too quickly and didn't pay attention. The ones who did pay attention, however, could never remember what I taught them. And I even had to heal a dragon what was accidentally poisoned, all because the apprentice couldn't remember and made a stupid decision instead of asking for advice. I didn't teach her anything more, stupid risks like that are not acceptable."

My eyes widened when my tired mind suddenly jolted wide awake, my pain forgotten. Was she... was she saying what I thought she was saying? No... No, that can't be right! She told me hundreds of times she didn't want that!

She chuckled. "Although, I see now that I've been oblivious, maybe even ignorant. I've searched everywhere for the perfect dragon to work by my side, but my answer has been right under my nose the entire time." Eyes eyes were as big as saucers now. No way... no way...!

"There is one dragon I know who has always stayed true to his dedication," she purred confidently, "even when he was repeatedly denied by a higher authority. I know one dragon who consistently remembers everything about the subject at paw with startling detail, and even correcting me a few times." She laughed lightly. "He isn't too prideful to ask for help either. I believe this one is the perfect match to be my apprentice, and eventually..." She looked up at me with a smirk. " successor."

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