Story Info! Woot!

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-Hello! Hello!

I'm excited to say that I'm working on the second-to-last chapter of NFV right now! After that, there will be an epilogue, then it's finished! Wow, that's weird to think about... I almost don't want it to end, but every story must have an end! Especially since this thing has been going for over six years...

I've been asked about whether or not there will be a sequel to NFV, and I will say that I really want to. NFV has gotten FAR more attention than I ever expected it to, so I figured, "why not?" That, of course, depends on if you all want a sequel. I suspect there will be a few people saying 'yes,' but I also know there are people out there that don't like sequels to stories.

If you all want a sequel, then I will start it after I rework the terrible chapters of NFV from a long time ago—also gotta fix those inconsistencies. The sequel's plot is barely thought-out right now, but I'm working on it just in case you guys/gals want to see one! I won't spoil anything, though! 

Okay, maybe one thing. I'm considering making it mostly in Stormfly's and Hiccup's hatchling's point of view, just like how NFV was mostly in Hiccup's point of view. I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I'm leaning pretty heavily on that! What do you think about that? Would you like it to stay in Hiccup or Stormfly's point of view, or would you like it in their kid's point of view? I think it would still work either way.

↓↓↓ If nothing else, read this! ↓↓↓

Also, here is a big warning for all of you! The mega-chapter coming up will be... for lack of better words, very weird. That warning applies to the three standard chapters after the mega-chapter too. I decided to get out of my comfort zone again, and what I wrote is definitely not normal for me, but that was the point. 

My beta-reader told me it was very strange to read, even making them feel a bit uneasy, but it wasn't necessarily bad enough that I needed to delete it. However, if anything makes a lot of people too uncomfortable, then I will take it down and edit it to make it more bearable. Just let me know if it's too much, please! 

Keep in mind, however, that I'm trying to make you all react to it enough to not like the events. I've been told many times that the emotions a story makes the reader feel shouldn't all be happy or sad, but sometimes it has to make the reader feel weird or uneasy. I'm hoping it makes you all question the character's morals. 

Or, you might love it and cheer the characters on. I dunno, you do you!

Anyway, the mega-chapter I am talking about will arrive just after the next update (next update's name is 'Renewal')! I might as well say the full name of it now if only to see if you get it! The upcoming mega-chapter is called "The Wonderful Life of a Soulburner." 

It's weird, it's twisty, and it's big! And I mean big like 71,346 words! That's bigger than Trials and Tribulations, which had a total word count of 61,144 words! Woot! 

"Renewal" will release on Monday (west coast USA time), so I will see you there!


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