Big Story Update!

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-Hello, hello! Take a wild guess what this "Author's Note" is all about! :D

Do you think you guessed it? Are you sure? Wait for it...

Night Fury's Venom is officially complete! It is COMPLETELY done! No "maybe" or "I think so" about this, it is done-done. Well... the plot is done, I still need to edit...

Before you panic, I don't mean it's done for you, I mean it's done for me—I would never abandon this story. You all have about eleven chapters to go—although, I might combine a few of them—but I have written a few chapters ahead. They are in draft-form right now awaiting final edits and release.

Now, I will be working on what I know will be the tedious task of fixing grammar in my previous chapters—holy crap, they are terrible—and fixing some inconsistencies in them as well. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if I had to completely rewrite a few of them...

Oh Moon above, that would suck...

Until next time!


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