Part 7: Dragon Training

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Dragon training will start later. I would show them who the best fighter of our age group was. I would show them how to really fight. The only competition will be the dragons, not the other trainees. And I will be the one to kill the Monstrous Nightmare.


Not Fishlegs. He was good with a hammer but was terrified of using it. He would be useful for determining a dragon's weak spot, but he wasn't a fighter, he won't be chosen.


Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They wouldn't be very good at fighting dragons. They spent too much time fighting with each other at the worst of moments. They were both skilled with their spears, I always thought that Ruff is better though. But they couldn't work together for any length of time. They won't be chosen.


Snotlout. Just thinking about him and his... flirting... makes me want to bring a tree down. With him under it. Why wouldn't he leave me alone? I couldn't stand his attempts to impress me, I would rather he just stay out of my way and stutter like Hiccup. Wow, did I really just think that? Anyway, I would have thought that punching him in the face enough times would show him that I didn't care for him. He could fight, though, and he was strong, but he would probably just get in my way. Snotlout wouldn't deny me my kill. Ever.


And Hiccup isn't going to be-


After I threw my ax into a tree, I saw it sink with the same satisfying sound that it has this morning, except this time, I threw it hard enough that it sliced clean through an entire branch. At least I knew it was still in good condition. When Hiccup sharpens it, he...


He wouldn't be sharpening my ax again. I consistently avoided thinking about him and what happened to him, but I would have to see him again sometime. I was going into dragon training, after all. And he is a dragon now. The enemy...

I was willing to give that creature the benefit of the doubt that it is still Hiccup inside, but if it isn't, well, I'll see how well my ax can slice through something other than a tree. Yanking my ax out of the fallen log, I ran my thumb over the edge of the blade. Still as sharp as it should be.

It hurt to see what happened to him. I didn't hate the boy, he just got very irritating. All of those inventions that never worked... why couldn't he simply stay out of the way? Or better yet, learn how to fight? He might not have been strong, but he was more than capable of making his own weapon.

Hiccup made my ax. Everyone told me that it was a gift from Gobber, but I knew that he couldn't have made it. There was too much attention to detail for Gobber to accomplish. Looking down the hilt, I could still see all the patterns that had been carved into it, and the runes carved into the bottom.


For Gobber, it would have just been another ax. Hiccup, however... I knew he had a crush on me. Not that I cared. Every boy around my age did, and all of them would be treated the same way if they tried anything, with a fist to the face.

Looking up through the leaves to the sky, I realized that it was nearly noon—time to head back.

Dragon training begins now.


Such a strange little creature. I'd been watching that one for some time now, throwing that metal-claw at the trees. Probably some sort of primal instinct. It seemed to be getting angrier and angrier over something. I had heard of some dragons burning a few trees to the ground to calm down, and I'd done it myself once or twice, so maybe this Scaleless is doing the same thing?

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