Part 38: The Legacy

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"Time to get struck by lightning!"

Oh, gods, I'm going to die.

"Are you insane?!" I roared fearfully, "I can't be struck by lightning! T-That was just something Scaleless made up!"

Even Astrid was terrified as the lightning flashed around us—albeit for different reasons—, seemingly striking faster than before. The raging storm around us was pelting all but Fake-Stormfly in rain—lucky god—, although, I had no doubt it was worse for Astrid, it still sucked for all of us.

"Insane?" Fake-Stormfly giggled. "A little, maybe! Just trust me, you will be fine! You have Soulfire, and that is the fire of gods! Lightning is a godly power too, so it's totally safe! It's the only way to ignite your Soulmagic from a mere ember to a glorious flame!"

My eyes darted between Toothless and Fake-Stormfly, silently hoping that this was only a prank or a bad dream. Yeah! That had to be it, none of this was real!

"Oh, Hiccup, this is very real, why would I try to kill my own son?" She laughed. "Now follow me to the center of the storm! That is where you will feel whole!" She lightly whacked Toothless's wing with her tail, gesturing with her head in a seemingly random direction. "Go that way! Neither of you will want to be here because it's gonna get messy! Wait at the edge of the storm!" Toothless hesitated. "Go!"

He flinched at her shout, then turned and flew as fast as he could, disappearing into the rain. I gulped. I was now alone with what could be considered as an insane god. Oh, crud...


"Stormfly! Get up! Get up!"

I groaned, pulled awake by a shrill voice, and an annoying shaking on my head. I blearily blinked open my eyes, letting them focus on a small, Spine-Tail fledgling staring back at me. What was he doing here alone? "What're you doing here...?" I mumbled sleepily, "where's your mother?"

"There's a big storm, dummy!" He chirped excitedly.

I narrowed my eyes a bit. This fledgling was well-known to do that, he wanted to be a messenger when he was old enough, but he had issues actually delivering a full message. He would try to tell you something, but forget to tell you the rest of the message—he was dedicated, I'd give him that.

"And?" I pressed gently.

He blinked. "Oh, yeah! Some grumpy guy told me to tell you that a storm was coming. He said there was a dragon you were looking for flying into it, and a dragon that looked like it, then a weird one that he didn't know, too!" He looked confused. "Or... something, I don't get it."

I jumped to my paws, all weariness gone, and startling the poor fledgling. "Where?!" I demanded. He quickly pointed to the right of the den I was resting in. I peeked out, seeing a massive storm looming in the distance. I quickly dipped my head to the fledgling, said a 'thank you,' and leaped into the air, filling my wings with magic to boost my speed.

The time has come.


The center of the storm was not what I thought it would be. You know how they say the eye of the storm was the calmest part of the storm? Yeah, they lied, it was absolute chaos.

The torrential rain pounded against my body as the winds tried to throw me out of control. The lightning never seemed to stop coming, every time one disappeared, more took its place. The bolts of electricity also arced toward me constantly, forcing me to attempt to dodge them so I wasn't fried. My instincts were of no help in this mess. According to Fake-Stormfly, my Soulmagic was extremely active right now, and that caused my instincts to behave as if they were on heavy drugs.

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