The Wonderful Life of a Soulburner Part: 2

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Consciousness returned to me slowly, and the first thing I noticed was Hiccup's scent flooding my nostrils. I subconsciously started to purr in contentment, but I didn't try to stop it, just letting my body do whatever it wanted.

Apparently, Hiccup didn't untangle himself from me while I was sleeping. In fact, to my surprise, it felt like he had taken it a step further and cuddled even closer to me. I felt his warm breath softly flowing over my belly, indicating he had his neck bent so that his head was sandwiched between my belly and his chest. His tail was curled back toward his legs, firmly pressing down on the top of my head, keeping me pushed completely against his underbelly.

I'm glad he's taking this seriously, although I can't say I expected him to actually do it. I remember back on... Berk, was it? He never tried to do anything romantic, let alone intimate. He used to be completely clueless about any form of romance.

I smiled softly, glad that he had accepted a new sleeping arrangement that many dragons would balk at. I admit, it was very optimistic of me to voice my idea and think there was even a chance he would try it, but he isn't just trying it, he's enforcing it. His tail was positioned to hold my head against him for Moon's sake! This isn't romantic, this was the intimacy I wanted! Sorta... I'd never planned for this.

I had a feeling this plan was actually going to work. Hiccup might actually start to take me seriously when I tell him he is mine, or that I will forgive him no matter the mistake. I wasn't lying when I said that I was not only fine with his head sleeping where it is now but that I wanted him to!

Typically, dragons reserve that general area for... special occasions, but by telling him to sleep there, I'm essentially saying that I trust him entirely. I want him to feel free to open up around me, to be comfortable doing embarrassing things like this without a second thought! That's what I believe mates should be like, they should be willing to do anything with one another just because they can. I've seen dragons turn down doing things that are nothing compared to this, merely because they were embarrassed!

I consider this a test run of how happy our lives will be together. I took a deep breath and pulled in his scent, smelling the lingering layers of affection and joy. I grinned. And so far, I'd say it's going well!

"Stormfly!" A whispered voice sternly, "I can tell you're awake. What in the Moon's name are you doing?!" I opened my eyes to see Star, a look of mortification on her face. With the angle my head was at, it looked like she was standing sideways, defying gravity itself. I feel a bit of hostility return upon seeing her.

And this is what I mean when I say others would never wish to do this.

I smiled, whispering with a smug tone, "what about it? Hiccup's comfy!" I could tell she was making it a point to look nowhere else but my eyes, her gaze focused very intently on me. I winked and slowly looked around me without moving my head, taking in the sights of my mate's body. "What's wrong? Afraid to see something you'll regret?" I teased.

Her face turned a tint of red. "S-Shut up!" She whispered, her gaze locking even more so with mine. "Do you even realize where you are laying?! Get up, we are going for a walk to have a mother-daughter chat about this!"

I shot her an unamused look. "Of course I do, it was my idea. And I'm not leaving!" She scowled at that. "I don't see what the big deal is!"

"Your head is near where his egg-maker should be!" She hissed with disgust, "don't you know that?! Have I taught you nothing about common decency?!"

I rolled my eyes, slowly rubbing my head on his body just to irk her. "Of course I know that. We have mated twice now, so I'm well aware of where it's located! And common decency doesn't apply here, so go ahead and be grossed-out, I don't mind."

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