Part 33: Let It Burn

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Why I keep trying to do the same thing over and over but expect different results baffles me. Every time I tried to form the fire, it would go wildly out of control and consume my body, only to reform again. Thank the gods that this was only a weird dream. I had to have died hundreds of times by now.

I also think Fake-Stormfly has been making innuendos about Stormfly and me, but it was hard to tell when I was burning alive.

"Oh, don't be so overdramatic!" Fake-Stormfly hummed, "you have only died thirty-four times to Soulfire and four times to your own clumsiness, not hundreds." I shot her a glare. She was counting?

Anyway, all of this dying and reforming isn't just for fun. I am attempting to learn a product of ancient magic called 'Soulfire.' That's right, magic. Apparently, all dragons have a magic of some kind. Fake-Stormfly—that's what I have started calling her—has decided to teach me how to use magic. Of course, she flipped out when she realized I didn't have 'common magic'—whatever that means.

I had something called 'Soulmagic.'

That's the reason I am attempting to learn Soulfire. Apparently, I am not supposed to use the flammable gas in my body to create fire, I'm supposed to use the magic in my body. I guess continued use of the flammable gas causes health issues for me.

Funny thing is, Soulfire is advanced magic, and Fake-Stormfly didn't want to teach that to me yet. Still, I wanted to learn it anyway. Why? Well, how she explained it sounded awesome. I do regret trying to learn it first... It's probably the hottest fire a dragon can have, and it is close to the kind of fire the 'Dragoness of the Moon' has.

'The Dragoness of the Moon' is apparently the god of dragons. Yeah. Which means that because I'm a dragon now, she is my god. Honestly, if she is nothing like Loki, then I am all for it. All hail the Dragoness of Moon—please don't smite me in my sleep!

"You know," Fake-Stormfly hummed after my latest failed attempt, "Stormfly really likes you."

I snorted. "That's exactly what Toothless said," I grumbled, "why the sudden change of topic?"

"No reason," she replied innocently, "what do you think of her?" I raised a brow. "I'm trying to not look into your mind, Hiccup. Just humor me."

"Does it really matter?"

She stared at me for a moment, and I felt something twinge in my head. She giggled. "Ohhh, you really like her!"

"Shut up!" I hissed, "it's only a small attraction!"

"Small?" She echoed with another giggle. "Oh, Hiccup, it's more than that. You can't lie to me, I already know."

"Fine!" I growled, "I'm attracted to Stormfly! I want to try and see where this goes, and I'm even hoping that it works! Are you happy now?!" I looked up at her angrily. "Are..." I felt my anger melt away, and I found it hard to tear my eyes away from her blue ones, my heart rate picking up. "Damnit..." I muttered.

"Wow..." Fake-Stormfly crooned, "you really have it bad, don't you?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I muttered, finally pulling my eyes off her.

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