Part 1: Beginning

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-Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction on this app, comment on what you think!



This is Berk. It's twelve days north of hopeless, and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly in the Meridian of Misery. In a word, sturdy. This village has been here for several generations, but every building is new. We have hunting, fishing, and a charming view of the sunsets.

The only problems are the pests. Some places have mosquitoes or mice. Oh, no. We have something slightly more serious... Dragons.

These oversized, fire-breathing reptiles have a tendency to visit our village at night every week or so and announce their presence with loud roars, fireballs, and stolen sheep. They especially like to take the sheep, although they will take whatever food they can, as proven by the events last night.

That's where us Vikings come in. We don't like it. At all.

So, we decided to stop them in the only way that Vikings know how, by repeatedly poking them hard with an extremely sharp object until they stop moving.

Yes, we try to kill them.

My name is Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Great name, isn't it? But it's not the worst! Most parents believe that a horrible name will scare off gnomes and trolls—as if my ability to accidentally set fire to water didn't already do that.

I am the heir to the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, but you wouldn't expect it. Where other Vikings have an IQ equal to their age, but brawn and brute strength to beat something into a pulp, I don't. I am the equivalent of a twig. A very clumsy, weak, but intelligent twig!

Because of this, I am effectively an outcast among my tribe. Although, my mentor in the forge—Gobber—is like a second father to me—because my first was too busy running the tribe or killing dragons to keep me in check.

I have always wanted to prove myself by killing a dragon. I can't use any weapons effectively, so I used my incredible mind to invent something that could do it for me. My main problem was that it was not easy to kill a dragon.

A Terrible Terror is the easiest to kill alone, but it is generally not worth going after. This thing is tiny, about the size of a cat, but is swift and agile. On its own, it isn't a threat, but they have a tendency to go around in packs of twenty or so. Their fires will burn for a long time after they shoot at you.

A Gronckle is tough, bringing one of those down would definitely get me noticed. If you ever see a warty flying boulder, you'll know what it is. Its undersized wings flap so fast to keep it in the air that all you see is a blur. Instead of breathing a stream of fire at you, it drops a blob of molten rock on your face that can burn a hole in you pretty quick.

A Deadly Nadder would definitely get me a date. That two-legged lizard has amazingly beautiful scales and is dangerous from both the front and behind. You see, it has the hottest fire we know of, so it can burn through almost anything in seconds. Its tail is covered in poisonous spines that can turn you into a living pincushion with ease.

A Hideous Zippleback is exotic, and it has a unique way of killing you. It has two heads, one that breathes out an extremely flammable gas, and another head that creates a spark to ignite it. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on one of these guys. It's also extremely poisonous. A bite has to be treated immediately if you want to survive, and even that is questionable.

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