Trials and Tribulations Part: 4

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-Oh my god, this part was very hard for me to write, it pulled at my heartstrings a lot. One specific bit in particular. Trust me, you will know it when you see it.

Once again, for those who thought part one of T&T was big, you might wanna take a gander at this one! Enjoy the day-early update!

Also, for those of you who wondered why Toothless spoke as he did in the second chapter? Well, I did mention in part 62 (Sacrifice) at the bottom that Star had been the one to guide Toothless into doing that. Guess what? I lied, ha! 

Okay, kinda lied. Star was the god during that time period, and she did guide him there. However, Toothless didn't do it on his own, contrary to what Star believes. The true god influenced him to do it, the one that existed before Star took the role. That was why the way he talked was so strange in chapter 2. The god's presence in his mind affected his speech slightly. You should notice that kind of speaking at the beginning of this part here!

I admit, it was hard to be patient and wait to reveal that! It's been... what? Five or six years? Ha!



"Where am I...?"

"You're in the Gap." I jumped, searching for the source of the deep voice in the grey landscape, "you cannot see me, mortal, for you have not yet passed through." I eyed the blank, flat landscape warily. Feeling the wind whipping by me.

This is a weird dream.

"Okay..." I spoke hesitantly, "then what is the 'Gap?'"

"The Gap is where you are now, the boundary between life and the afterlife."

Okay, not a dream, it's a nightmare.

My eyes widened, "w-what?!"

"Be calm, young one-"

"Calm?!" I screeched, "what about Hiccup?! O-Or our egg?! I can't just die!"

"Young one-"

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" I demanded, tears in my eyes, "y-you're lying!"

"QUIET!" The voice boomed, making me shrink to the ground in fear. It sighed, resuming in a calm voice, "I will help you pass through, but you must remain calm."

"P-Pass through?"

"You have lived a short life, but a life with good intentions," it spoke evenly, "especially given the... circumstances. So, you will not receive punishment in the afterlife."

"Wh-Where's Hiccup?" I asked, feeling cornered, "i-if I am dead, he should be here, r-right?"

"Such narrow-sighted mortals..." The voice grumbled, "to answer your question, yes, he should be. However, there is a complication. Now, you-"

"What complication?" I asked, feeling angry from his insult, "what are you talking about?"

The voice groaned, "...fine. Have it your way, mortal. Ask away..." It said flippantly.

"Who are you? Why isn't Hiccup here?"

"I am the Reaper," the voice droned, sounding bored, "Hiccup is resisting me at the moment—damn Soulburners always do. Dragons should never be allowed the magic of gods for this damn reason!"

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