New Chapter Information

1K 30 9


Some of you may remember when I said a while ago that I'd try to make the next chapter (at the time) something like 15k words. Sadly, I didn't deliver on that.

Now, it turns out writing is a very good distraction from depression (and I am desperate for distractions). I get asked about it sometimes, but I can never seem to describe how bad it can get for me, or just how often it hits me.

So, here's a great description in the form of an example: the chapter coming up is already past 15k. And that's the edited portion too. Hell, it's even in the 20k zone. That is quite a feat for me since I usually just push out 1-3k word chapters a month (or as my schedule says I should, anyway).

And it hasn't even been a full week.

Yeah... For those of you who wonder about it, there you go.

Why do I tell ya'll all this? Well, I want people to understand. I've quickly noticed that people don't actually realize what it's like to have your own mind rebel against you in one of the worst ways possible. Or even how often it appears during the day. Plus, I admit, it feels a little good to vent on occasion.

Anyway, that'll be something to look forward to, right? I am still unsure how long it will get before I release it, but it's still in progress, that's for sure. And it's gonna be BIG.

I will say it does have a bunch of emotional parts, I think (my emotions are a little shot right now, forgive me), and that is all part of the plan. I am trying my hardest to keep my depression from affecting the story, so while this chapter may be written while it's in full swing, the chapter is not written the way it is because of my depression. I have made extra sure of that (my beta-reader helped, thanks buddy).

There is also a part that I know some of you will "squee" at, and I can't wait to see your reactions. You can guess if you like, but I will not give anything away, not even hints. ;)

Sorry for the info dump. Let me know if you have other questions; I'll do my best to answer them without spoiling anything.


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