Trials and Tribulations Part: 3

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-Hello! Welcome to part three! This one has a tad over one thousand words more than part two, but the next part is the monster I have been promising! If you thought part one was big... well... you might wanna rethink that one! Mwahaha!



"I don't know," Star sighed, "maybe his mother is just a bit crazy over his love-life?"

We still couldn't figure it out. Hiccup left with the recommendation that we shouldn't tell his mother about my egg. I was stuck in the belief that he was ticklish somewhere but didn't want me to know. Star believed it was something like too much emotion. Astrid wandered in at some point, watching us blankly.

Before I could object, a screech of panic echoed into the den, cutting off our conversation. We jumped, immediately preparing for a fight. 

Another voice sounded out, "get your tail back here, Auroon!"

Then Hiccup's voice, full of panic, "I'm sorry!"

We dropped our guard and looked at each other, dumbstruck. Astrid's head darted between us and the entrance.

"Uh... was that his mother...?" I whispered. She nodded. "If he told her, then guess we were both wrong...?" She nodded again. We waited in silence for any more shouts, for a while nothing happened. "Did he-"

A feminine screech, much louder this time, cut me off. "Stop running, damnit!"


To my surprise, I saw Hiccup drop down from above the entrance, landing with a heavy thud. Without breaking his stride, he whirled around and tore into the den towards us, throwing dirt everywhere as Astrid barely jumped out of the way with a yell. His mother dropped down too, hot on his heels.

"HELP ME!" He screeched, before diving behind us, peeking between us at the advancing female in terror. 

My eyes widened as her glare turned to me, tail lashing. Then, I held my forepaws up and awkwardly shuffled to the side, letting her through.


"W-Wait! Hold on!" Star shouted, "what's happening?!"

"She's gonna cut it off!" Hiccup screeched, cornered. 

Uh... What?

"You promised to tell me before you mated and had an egg!" She yelled. It felt like my mind shut down when I put the obvious pieces together, my face scorching hot. Star's jaw dropped.

"I-I'm sorry! I forgot! Spare me!" He begged desperately, "Stormfly, help!"

I blinked repeatedly, still trying to recover. "Buh... huh?"

She crept slowly forward as his tail hit the wall, in a panic, he tried to dash to the side but was pinned before he could do so. Trembling, he turned his head to the side, squeezing his eyes shut and accepting his fate. She smirked before unsheathing her teeth and biting down hard on his left ear. He recoiled with a pained yelp as she quickly backed off. He tilted his head to the left, whining and staring at her with pained relief, ear bleeding.

She smiled warmly at me, "congratulations." I nodded numbly.

"Why did...?!" Star struggled to understand, before giving up, "...why?!"

"He made a promise just after he became an adult," she purred, "he would tell me before he decided to have an egg. And if he didn't, then I would remove his egg-maker." She laughed at Star's horrified look, "of course, I would never actually do that. So, I gave him enough mental trauma to remember it next time." She looked at Hiccup sternly, "isn't that right?" He nodded miserably, still huddled against the wall.

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