The Wonderful Life of a Soulburner Part: 1

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-Hello! I decided to step out of my comfort zone again, and this mega-chapter will have more fluff in it! Fluff means things that show more obvious affection between two characters, all those 'feel-good' or 'aww' moments. I typically make them pretty simple, but this time those moments are more pronounced and common. In a few cases, it hints toward stuff that you'll know it if you are of age to catch those hints.

I tested it on a friend's little brother, that little brother's two friends, and an online friend that I know. When asked what they believed those specific parts were about, they either guessed the way off the mark or didn't have a single clue. Although, the online friend—about twelve years old—said it was too "kissy-kissy." I'm not sure what he expected when I told him the two dragons in this story were basically married... Are they supposed to play checkers or something? Eh, whatever.

Hopefully, they were good test-subjects for this. There were some portions where I tried to make it much more vague but found that when I did, the story didn't make any sense, confusing even me when I read it—and I'm the writer!

However, if these parts are too much, let me know and I will edit it! I don't want to have to change the mature setting if I don't have to!

One more thing, this is another big chapter, not as big as Trials and Tribulations, but still big! And most of this will be from Stormfly's point of view for reasons you will soon see!

P.S. I have recently edited this part to be even more vague, just in case. Enjoy!


Notice Above!


"Every mother, hatchling, and fledgling is to be moved as far into the caverns as possible, a few elders will stay to protect them."

A deep orange fledgling Flame-Skin protested, "but I can fight! I'm almost an adult!"

I snorted, hardening my stare on him. "No, and that's final. Almost an adult is not the same as being an adult, and I doubt your combat skill is up to par." Multiple dragons around me chuckled, making the dark orange Flame-Skin's body flare up in flames with anger.

"I know how to fight! I can even beat you! My Dad was not ready, but I can beat an overdramatic weakling!"

So, his father was the hot-headed one from before? It looks like he inherited his father's temper.

I hummed with concealed amusement, "do you really think so?" He nodded once. "Alright, show me. Attack me, and if you can draw blood, I'll allow you to join the effort."

I heard his mother gasp in horror, and I shot her a subtle wink, calming her down slightly. I wouldn't hurt him, I just needed to show him that he wasn't ready. If I just say no, he might try and sneak out, eventually getting himself killed.

Plus, a certain someone was pissed about someone challenging me as alpha.

Beat him down! Knock him out! Teach him who the weakling really is!

A bit much there, Instinct. He is just a kid.

I don't care! SLICE AND DICE!

Aaand no more Soulmagic for you, little missy. You're way too hyper.

He leaped at me, scales still burning. I absently noted that a paw slipped as he did so, considerably slowing him down. I could have side-stepped it, but instead, I just hardened the scales on my chest and forelegs, watching him slam into me only to drop to the ground. I idly placed a paw on the top of his back, holding him down as he struggled.

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